The World's Finest join forces in this reality-bending tale, Superman and Batman rule the Earth with an iron fist, with humanity bending to their will. Before long, the World's Finest Duo is sent careening through a series of bizarre alternate Earths, facing an assortment of classic DC characters including Darkseid, Lex Luthor, Superwoman, Kamandi, Sgt. Rock, Haunted Tank, and many more.
Collects Superman/Batman issues #14-26. Extras include pencilled pages and character sketches.
Product details
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Loeb, Jeph |
222 x 391 x 41 mm |
9781401248178 |
English |
Media type
Hardback |
Original title
Absolute superman / batman |
Page count
368 |
Product no
9781401248178 |
Publish date
2014-05-27 |
Penguin Random House US |
RRP List price
99.99 USD |
2341 g |