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Economics and Business

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Start with Why

Why do you do what you do? Why are some people and organisations more innovative, more influential and moer profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty from customers and employees alike? Even among the successful, why are so few able to repeat their success over and over? People like Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs and the Wright Brothers might have little in common, but they all s
€6.90 excl tax

Together Is Better

The bestselling author of Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last is an unshakable optimist. With this beautifully illustrated book of axioms and anecdotes, Sinek amplifies his vision to inspire readers to overcome obstacles and become the leaders they wish they had. The book can help anyone get out of the rut that many us pretend is the fast track.
€10.70 excl tax

The Way of the Intelligent Rebel

€13.40 excl tax

Voltage Effect, The (Mr Exp)

THE VOLTAGE EFFECT explores why some ideas succeed while others fail to scale. Highlighting the importance of achieving "high voltage," List identifies five vital signs that make an idea replicable. Drawing on research and real-world examples, he offers strategies for maximizing impact across various sectors, emphasizing that understanding scaling can drive meaningful change in society.
€10.20 excl tax

Scout Mindset, The

When it comes to what we believe, humans see what they want to see. In other words, we have what Julia Galef calls a "soldier" mindset. From tribalism and wishful thinking, to rationalizing in our personal lives and everything in between, we are driven to defend the ideas we most want to believe - and shoot down those we don't.
€6.50 excl tax


Fifty years ago, the Manhattan Project of money management was quietly assembled in the financial industry's backwaters, unified by the heretical idea that even many of the world's finest investors couldn't beat the market in the long run.
€7.20 excl tax

Minimalist Entrepreneur, The

Now more than ever, you don’t need a fancy office, Ivy League degree, or millions of dollars in venture capital to launch a business that matters for the communities you care most about. Software, the internet, and remote work have made it possible for entrepreneurs to start for free, make a customer of anyone, and grow a profitable, sustainable company from anywhere.
€7.50 excl tax

Brave New Work

Aaron Dignan helps his clients get unstuck by teaching them how to eliminate red tape, tap into collective intelligence, and rethink long-held traditions that no longer make sense. Now he shows us how to do the same.
€9.00 excl tax

Think Again

Intelligence is usually seen as the ability to think and learn, but in a rapidly changing world, there's another set of cognitive skills that might matter more: the ability to rethink and unlearn. In our daily lives, too many of us favor the comfort of conviction over the discomfort of doubt. We listen to opinions that make us feel good, instead of ideas that make us think hard. We see disagreemen
€8.50 excl tax

Leader Phrase Book : 3000+ Powerful Phrases That Put You in Command

THE LEADER PHRASE BOOK was born out of Twitter and has quickly amassed a large following. With THE LEADER PHRASE BOOK you will be in command of your words and always stay ahead of the game. With this passport to success, you will begin a new game in which you are among the charismatic, the untouchable...the elite.
€7.50 excl tax

Big Book Of Hr 10th Anniversary Edition

Managing people is the biggest challenge any organization faces. It's a challenge that has grown even more difficult over the past decade. Since THE BIG BOOK OF HR was first published, we've seen dramatic changes in the workplace and the workforce.
€15.00 excl tax

Encyclopedia Of Business Letters, Faxes, And E-Mail : Features Hundreds of Model Letters, Faxes, and E-mails to Give Your Business Writing the Attention It Deserves

Business writing has been transformed in our era from long, leisurely letters to fast faxes, instant e-mails, crisp memos and concise letters. Your reader doesn't have time to waste. And neither do you. That's where THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BUSINESS LETTERS, FAXES, AND E-MAIL can help.
€10.00 excl tax

How to Grow Your Business Like a Weed

€14.50 excl tax

100 ways to motivate others - how great leaders can produce insane results

“Steve Chandler's coaching has had a tremendous impact in my life. He was vital to my personal transformation from a man of ideas and dreams to a person of action and reality.” —Radames Soto, former managing director, The Wall Street Journal The world of leadership has changed dramatically since 100 WAYS TO MOTIVATE OTHERS was written and now Chandler and Richardson have revised and ...
€8.00 excl tax

How To Communicate Effectively With Anyone, Anywhere

In our increasingly interconnected world, communication is key. Whether you're speaking in public, writing an email, or going through an important negotiation, how you present yourself through language is all-important in today's global business world.
€9.50 excl tax

Heart and sell - 10 universal truths every salesperson needs to know

HEART AND SELL offers salespeople, entrepreneurs and corporate leaders a system of emotional selling that will revolutionise the sales process. Shari Levitin, who pioneered the Third Level Selling™ movement, takes this concept to a whole new level and shows you methods to create an emotional customer experience that creates true urgency, a process to decrease objections and techniques to ...
€8.00 excl tax

Turn Your Fandom Into Cash

TURN YOUR FANDOM INTO CASH teaches fans how to power up their own geeky businesses, harness the power of their fandom, and shield themselves against the wrath of intellectual property holders. This book will also offer real-world examples for aspiring Tony Starks and Bruce Waynes. In many cases, these passion-pursuits have led to full-time careers; in one case, it created a $100 million business.
€9.00 excl tax

Bruce Lee Code

THE BRUCE LEE CODE focuses on the business strategies prevalent in Lee's life and teachings that helped unlock his full potential. Bruce Lee's attention to brand is a major reason why he continues to influence pop culture today, and he was a pioneer, being one of the first Hollywood stars to start his own production company.
€8.50 excl tax

Decisive Manager

People issues. They seemingly arise out of nowhere and just don't go away. It's critical that managers handle them right. As a manager, you need to know so many things about managing people, but you don't even know what to ask! THE DECISIVE MANAGER can help.
€10.00 excl tax

Innovation by design - how any organization can leverage design thinking to

Why are some organisations more innovative than others? How can we tap into, encourage and exploit the natural innovation within our organisations that is so vital to our future success? Now more than ever, companies and institutions of all types and sizes are determined to create more innovative organisations.
€9.50 excl tax