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Jade-Sky, a psychic/medium, reveals how to develop your sixth sense and connect with the spirit world. Interested in enhancing intuition or exploring spirituality? Discover your psychic potential and embrace guidance from spirit guides. Unlock secrets with Jade-Sky's simple activities.


If you're muddling through the day in a fog, often forgetting why you walked into a room . . .
If you feel emotionally flattened, lacking the energy to socialize or feel joy in the small things . . . 
If you feel an inner void-like something is missing, but you aren't sure what . . . 
Then this book is for you.


Supercommunicators, according to Charles Duhigg, excel by recognizing and aligning with three types of conversations: practical, emotional, and social. By navigating these dimensions effectively, individuals can connect more deeply with others, as Duhigg illustrates through examples from diverse scenarios. The key takeaway: with the right tools, anyone can master the art of communication.

Healing The Five Wounds Of The Heart

At some point in our lives, we all experience five major emotional traumas: abandonment, betrayal, separation, denial, and judgment. While the world may encourage us to dismiss these events as “just the way things are,” Dr. Marie Mbouni explains that the trauma we experience as a result of these “heart wounds” can leave lasting impressions on our lives.