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Infinite Wonder

From the record-breaking astronaut, national hero, and best-selling author of Endurance, a breathtaking collection of photos documenting his journey on the International Space Station, the vastness of space, and the unparalleled beauty of our own home planet.
€19.50 exkl moms

Unconventional Vehicles

€8.90 exkl moms

Emotional Robots

Blending pop culture iconography with the existential threat of technological creations turning on their creators, Emotional Robots is a compulsively readable graphic novella set in an all-too presciently depicted world in which advanced robots successfully compete with humans—in sports, music, and art—in pursuit of emotional intelligence.
€7.70 exkl moms

Which Side of History?

Which Side of History? offers a collection of bold essays on how technology is affecting democracy, society, and our future.
€7.70 exkl moms

Becoming Earth

€10.60 exkl moms