Featuring hundreds of very clear step-by-step photos, these projects give beginner and intermediate-level crafters everything needed to make contemporary, stylish leather items. First up are 23 projects based on simple structures, then 9 more based on intermediate structures, arranged in skill-building sequence.
Expert teaching for curious and enthusiastic flower fans, both industry-trained and hobbyist. This approachable guide, featuring over 500 photos and companion commentary from an innovative floral educator, will take the mystery out of creating floral designs that are a step above the rest.
Volume 2 of the NES Omnibus is a fun and informative look at ALL the original Nintendo Entertainment System games released in the US starting with the letters M–Z. More than 360 games are featured, including such iconic titles as Metroid, Super Mario Bros., and Tetris, as well as such hidden gems and cult classics as Mighty Final Fight, Trog!, and River City Ransom.
For all makers and artists, this helpful guide teaches you that your body is your most valuable tool, and empowers you to create more-healthful movement patterns that build strength and longevity. As the founder of Wellness for Makers®, Ballone knows the challenges that makers face in finding time to focus on their body rather than their creations.
A celebration of the renewing powers of creativity, this striking dive into contemporary dried floral design shares inspiration and insight from a star floral designer. Jenny Thomasson (AIFD, PFCI, EMC) showcases 26 stunning, cutting-edge dried floral arrangements that show the artistic potential of the medium.
TAROT: One of the world's oldest and most trusted methods of psychic divination. Since the time of the ancient Egyptians, only a select few have possessed the skills necessary to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos.
The Dalai Lama: His Essential Wisdom is a collection of hundreds of inspiring quotations from His Holiness. The selections are drawn largely from his writings, teachings, interviews, speeches, and other statements made during the course of his more than forty-eight years as the exiled spiritual leader of the Tibetan people.
A practical, accessible guide to the fundamentals of Buddhist meditation, with pointers from some of today's most respected Buddhist teachers, including Pema Chödrön, Thich Nhat Hanh, Cyndi Lee, and Sharon Salzberg.
As countless meditators have learned firsthand, meditation practice can positively transform the way we see and experience our lives.
The legends of the Norse and Germanic regions of Europe - spanning from Germany and Austria across Scandinavia to Iceland and England - include a broad range of mythical characters and places, from Odin and Thor, to berserkers and Valhalla, to the Valkyries and Krampus.
Jam-packed with all-new material, including astonishing new scientific discoveries, Internet dreamsites, new categories, and new links, the bestselling Dream Dictionary is bigger and better than ever before.
Let dream therapist Tony Crisp be your guide on one of the most enlightening journeys you will ever take: into the world of your unconscious mind.
As interest in astrology grows, so too have the sales of this accurate working tool. Every astrologer preparing accurate birth charts needs the information in this book. It is widely recognised in its classic livery as a proven record of reliability and accuracy. Raphael’s Ephemeris should be displayed in every astrology outlet, general bookshop and mind, body, spirit outlet for maximum sales.
The body can heal itself. Spontaneous healing is not a miracle but a fact of biology--the result of the natural healing system that each one of us is born with.
In this powerful guide, astrology expert Jan Spiller shows you how the practical science of astrology can lead to real-life results in the realm of intimate relationships.