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Steam Punk Lenormand

Ours is a tale of gears and romance, spinning clockworkwise around human happenstances and elations: it is a story - once more with feeling - of the greatest adventures of all, that of ordinary mens and women struggling against challenges and reaching out to fortune and success.
€10.50 excl tax

Twin Tarot Oracle

Each tarot card contains multiple meanings ranging from light to shadow. In the TWIN TAROT ORACLE, Jeni Bethell explores this range of meanings. The 44 cards present each of the 22 Major Arcana cards from two different points of view. This deck is a wonderful reading deck and can, also, be used to study various meanings for the cards. 44 full colour cards
€7.90 excl tax

Little Book Of Numerology

From the moment we're born, numbers play a significant role in all our lives. Whether you have always had a “lucky number”, find yourself drawn to specific dates in your calendar or hold superstitions about certain digits, this fun and informative guide will show you how to read and interpret the numerological patterns in your life.
€5.70 excl tax

Essential Oils

€4.30 excl tax

Stairways to heaven - by the bestselling author of a message of hope from t

The overwhelming response of readers to Lorna Byrne - regardless of religious beliefs - is that she gives them back hope, helping them to realize that no matter alone they might feel they have a Guardian angel by their side. Lorna Byrne sees and talks with angels every day and has done since she was a baby. She sees them as clearly as the rest of us see rocks and stones and trees. In Stairways to
€7.80 excl tax

Message of hope from the angels - the sunday times no. 1 bestseller

From the internationally bestselling author of Angels in my Hair comes The Sunday Times Number One bestseller with messages of hope for you. In A Message of Hope from the Angels Irish mystic Lorna Byrne brings a vital, urgent communication from above for these challenging times. 'The Angel told me, "Hope makes the impossible possible."' Lorna sees angels with as much clarity as the rest of us see
€7.80 excl tax

UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message

Through cosmic communication, learn how these mysterious beings may hold the key to our spiritual evolution.
€3.60 excl tax

Mindful Moments - Thoughts to Nourish Your Body and Soul

This is the moment of power. Be the moment. Take a moment to be mindful with master of modern meditation Deepak Chopra.
€7.50 excl tax

Dreams : 100 Affirmations for a Good Night's Sleep

The way we speak to ourselves matters. Positive affirmations and meditations are an important tool for personal growth—and these uplifting, inspiring, and motivational statements, when implemented regularly, can have a profound impact on our lives.
€7.10 excl tax

Feng Shui Your Life

€7.20 excl tax

Nature's Pharmacy

€5.90 excl tax

MOON SPELLS: An Enchanting Spell Book Of Magic & Rituals (H)

Filled with spells, charms, rituals, and potions by pro witchcraft practitioners, carry this pocket-size spell book with you through every phase of the moon as you harness its mystical energy. Small yet mighty, MOON SPELLS contains spells for healing, luck, friendship, empowerment, and more, all fuelled by the power of the moon.
€7.10 excl tax

Daily Rituals Oracle

This immersive 36-card deck of goddesses has been created to help you bring intention and ritual into your day. Each goddess carries her own message, mantra, and ritual that you can connect to and practice with mindfulness and intention. The goddesses will help elevate your daily routines into rituals and create mindfulness practices out of the mundane.
€11.30 excl tax

Gathering *Bk

€7.10 excl tax

Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer Of All (Foreword By Neale D

This book is unique in that it is about practical spirituality and is written, like Dr. Jampolsky's other books, in very simple, down-to-earth, easy-to-understand language. It explains why many of us find it so difficult to forgive, why we should forgive, how to forgive, and why we don't forgive.
€7.80 excl tax

Matrix energetics - the science and art of transformation

Now available in paperback, this paradigm-busting program can teach anyone how to access their own creative power to heal and transform their lives. In 1997, Dr. Richard Bartlett experienced a life-altering event that redirected the entire course of his personal and professional existence.
€7.80 excl tax

My son and the afterlife - conversations from the other side

Until her son Erik committed suicide at the age of twenty, Dr. Elisa Medhus never believed in life after death. But all of that changed when Erik began communicating with her from the other side. As an accomplished physician, Dr. Medhus had placed her faith in science.
€7.10 excl tax

My life after death - a memoir from heaven

MY LIFE AFTER DEATH begins on the tragic day when Erik Medhus took his own life. What follows is a moment-by-moment account of the spiritual life he discovers on the other side-told for the very first time in his own words as channelled by medium Jamie Butler and then transcribed by his mother Elisa.
€7.10 excl tax