Acupuncture and the chakra energy system have both become increasingly mainstream in the West, but rarely have the two approaches been joined into one practice. Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System: Treating the Cause of Disease does just that.
Dr. Malerba interweaves case histories from his own practice with the latest research in the fields of alternative and traditional Western medicine to address such questions as: ...
Tibetan medicine is a rarified field with few publications in English; it is also one of the most comprehensive of alternative therapies, addressing body, mind, and spirit.
Spend just a few minutes each day practicing the remarkable yoga and energy work techniques in this book and you will quickly build a solid foundation of inner relaxation and energy discipline that leads to better health, a longer life, and greater control over your personal destiny.
Fully comprehend those around you by learning to read their aura, the energetic manifestation of the soul. Watch for a dirty red haze around those who have just lost their temper, or an expanded aura for those doing philanthropic deeds.
"Getting to Know You" eases readers into a broad understanding of acupuncture, clearly identifying what sorts of problems best and most reliably respond to acupuncture treatment.
Angel Power Wisdom Cards are designed to inspire you to believe in yourself and empower you to follow your dreams. When you tap into the magic and miracles of the angels, anything is possible. The 45-card deck and 40-page guidebook offer divine guidance, hope, comfort and angelic insights.
The Herbcrafter’s Tarot celebrates the handicrafts, tools, and time- honored folk skills related to herbs, trees, flowers and other plants that share their gifts with us. This deck and book set explores the relationship between herbs and how people use them for medicine, creativity, ritual, and spiritual guidance.
For thousands of years, pendulums have been used as effective tools for divination and empowerment. In Pendulums and the Light, best-selling author Diane Stein explains how to attain unrivaled pendulum accuracy by asking a Be-ing of the Highest Light to guide your pendulum.
A Doorway to Spiritual Awakening In this groundbreaking guide, Reiki Master Brett Bevell reveals how to focus the energy of Reiki--traditionally used for healing the body--toward healing the spirit.
"Frequency" advances the concepts of several blockbuster books, films, and ideas--filling in gaps, correcting misperceptions, and grounding the principles of the Law of Attraction in additional ways.
Harmonizing Your Craniosacral System: Self-Treatments for Improving Your Health offers exercises developed to promote healing, body awareness, and relaxation.
Why does Western medicine fail to cure chronic physical and mental illness? Why do so many treatments and drugs work only for a limited time before eventually losing effectiveness or producing harmful side effects?
Dr. Steven Goldsmith's answer is at once counterintuitive and commonsensical: the root of the problem is our combative approach.
"Countering conventional medicine's view of health care as a protracted war with germs and disease, Transforming the Nature of Health asks us to consider what medicine would look like if we were at ...
The Little Book of Energy Medicine is a simple, easy-to-use "pocket guide" to one of the most powerful alternative health practices in existence today, from world-renowned healer Donna Eden.
In the West, problems with eyesight are treated separately from overall health, usually with prescription glasses or contact lenses. But Eastern systems of holistic healing view the eyes as mirrors of physical health. Eye problems reflect problems with the internal organs, most specifically the liver and kidneys.
Offering a window into the holistic future of medicine, the book shows the body not simply as a biological machine to be patched and repaired but as a living organism made up of cells dynamically linked to their inner and outer environments.
· Focuses on 7 essential crystal and gemstone mentors: obsidian, jade, lapis lazuli, emerald, quartz, amethyst, and diamond
· Integrates crystal lore from around the world with mineral science to reveal the archetypal wisdom embodied within each stone
· Provides crystal healing exercises and meditations on the specific spiritual work each stone archetype supports
Stones and crystals are ...