This definitive Pinter tarot deck features major cards by renowned painter Ferenc Pinter and minor cards drawn from his extensive work. The borderless design showcases his imaginative style with impeccable color and detail, blending Pinter's vision with universal archetypal energies.
Each tarot card contains multiple meanings ranging from light to shadow. In the TWIN TAROT ORACLE, Jeni Bethell explores this range of meanings. The 44 cards present each of the 22 Major Arcana cards from two different points of view. This deck is a wonderful reading deck and can, also, be used to study various meanings for the cards.
44 full colour cards
Inspired by the works of Dante, the 14th century author of The Inferno, this deck utilizes Rider-Waite-Smith symbolism while bringing new life to the cards themselves. With artwork reminiscent of the late middle ages blended with a contemporary sensibility, this deck is an excellent option for tarotists who are looking for a reading deck with its own unique energy.
Dingbats A6 Anteckningsbok linjerad
Dingbats * anteckningsböcker är inte bara vackra, smarta och personliga. De är dessutom 100 % veganska och certifierade med med EUs V-märkning.
Dingbats* ser till att anteckningsböckerna inte innehåller något som kan skada varken människa eller natur. Till och med vattnet som används för att producera pappret är renare när det återvänder till sjön.
A historic deck from the Italian north-west, where tarot and esoterism are deeply rooted. A philological reproduction of the Tarot of Marseille produced by the Recchi brothers in Oneglia and Torino, in 1830. An incredible piece of Tarot history.
Immerse yourself in the symbolic wealth of the Aleister Crowley Tarot. The painter Frieda Harris was herself an Egyptologist and worked about 1200 symbols into the 78 cards! These cards are fascinating in the depth of thinking which they reveal. The Thoth Tarot was created by the famous occultist Aleister Crowley (1875 - 1947). Lady Frieda Harris (1877 - 1962) painted the cards.