One of the first tarot decks to incorporate Caribbean and Latin American symbolism and culture both past and present, featuring vibrant, colorful artwork. Secrets of Paradise Tarot is an inclusive tarot deck like no other, taking a Caribbean and Latin American approach to symbolism.
Tap into humanity’s inner knowledge at a spiritual and primal level with The Mythic Goddess Tarot, a beautiful 78-card deck inspired by the world’s most revered heavenly beings.
With this stunning tarot deck and book, you can channel the power of an army of goddesses simply by picking a card.
This moment is an opportunity to experience yoga.
Breathe into wholeness and harmony with enduring wisdom from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads. Open yourself to enlightenment and journey from illusion to unity as you bring balance, awareness and awakening to body and soul with this unique 40-card oracle set.
40 full-colour cards + 64-page guidebook set
A deck that is beautiful, inspirational, and unlike anything you've ever seen before. Sometimes humorous, sometimes haunting, but always captivating, The Hieronymus Bosch Tarot sets a new benchmark for Tarot card decks currently available.
Inspired by a pagan seasonal spirituality, this striking tarot deck is a based on the Tarot de Marseille and is designed around the Wheel of the Year, the seasons and the festivals that punctuate it. Each card is presented in intricate detail – not just the majors. There is a companion book that provides samples readings and a decryption of each card.
A crepuscular world, one that awakens when the curtain of night blankets over humanity. It is a world of magic, of inspiration, of sheer wondrous marvel, as the mundane takes life and becomes something more. Night is the time of the fairies. By world renowned illustrator Paolo Barbieri.
Mechanical angels, clockwork stars, adventurers of the boundless sky and of uncharted shores: The Steampunk Art Nouveau Tarot is this and more. It is a romantic, and yet modern feeling that imbues every card of amazing wonder and exotic beauty. Faithful to the truest tarot tradition, the deck presents the familiar archetypes with a unique and compelling flavor.
The art of Corrado Roi wants to welcome everyone to the Dark Side of Tarot. Faithful to the Tarot by A. E. Waite and P. C. Smith, this deck opens to the Shadow Work and to the - sometimes spooky, always revealing - readings that reach deep into the subconscious. As in the Moon card, new emotions and feelings rise from the subconscious, bringing an - otherwise unreachable - state of clarity.
A channeled Tarot, grown and nurtured by three very different inspirations: Tarika Di Maggio, a psychic, Lucia Mattioli and Francesca Fravolini, two artists. This deck is a bridge between the cards we are used to work with and the eternal, higher archetypes that originated them. The cards are a source for inspiration, and they dialogue to our spirit, without the need of our conscious mind.
The art of Corrado Roi wants to welcome everyone to the Dark Side of Tarot. Faithful to the Tarot by A. E. Waite and P. C. Smith, this deck opens to the Shadow Work and to the - sometimes spooky, always revealing - readings that reach deep into the subconscious. As in the Moon card, new emotions and feelings rise from the subconscious, bringing an - otherwise unreachable - state of clarity.
Uncover the mysteries of the tarot with this quick and convenient guide from tarot expert Liz Dean. The tarot is a secret system of symbols that has been used for almost 600 years, and is becoming increasingly popular today as people look for meaning and reassurance in our ever-changing and chaotic world.