First developed as a short manual for students in a yearlong meditation course, "Presence Meditation" offers a step-by-step program for increasing self-awareness through simple but revelatory ...
Renowned as a peerless teacher, practitioner, and scholar, Longchenpa thoroughly studied and mastered every one of the many Buddhist vehicles and lineages of teachings existing in Tibet at his time.
Chogyam Trungpa wrote more than two dozen books on Buddhism and the Shambhala path of warriorship. "The Essential Chogyam Trungpa " blends excerpts from bestsellers like "Shambhala: ...
In this classic scripture of Tibetan Buddhism--traditionally read aloud to the dying to help them attain liberation--death and rebirth are seen as a process that provides an opportunity to recognize ...
Paterson's response to this life crisis, was to embark on a pilgrimage to Plum Village, the retreat of Nobel Prize-nominated Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh. This wonderfully frank and funny chronicle of her 40-day sojourn offers readers the 40 Buddhist precepts that she learned.
It was under the bodhi tree in India twenty-five centuries ago that Buddha achieved the insight that three states of mind were the source of all our unhappiness: wrong knowing, obsessive desire, and anger. All are difficult, but in one instant of anger--one of the most powerful emotions--lives can be ruined, and health and spiritual development can be destroyed.
Dharma practice comprises a wide range of wise instructions and skillful means. As a result, meditators may be exposed to a diversity of approaches to the core teachings and the meditative path--and ...
The mind is the place where science and spirituality can meet. Here a renowned scientist who is also a teacher of Buddhist meditation explores the nature of mind from scientific and spiritual ...
Some types of meditation are aimed at promoting a sense of confidence and well-being in everyday life, while other types focus on producing altered states of consciousness, transcending the world, or ...
With over fifteen hundred entries and forty-six illustrations, "A Concise Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen" is the most complete compact reference work of its kind available in the English language.
From the author of "Mindful Eating" comes a guided program for bringing mindfulness and meditation into ordinary daily activities to reduce stress and enhance well-being.
Rasas are the essence of our emotions that exist in both the body and the mind. The Tantric tradition recognises 9 Rasas that represent our basic emotions: love humour wonder courage calmness anger sadness fear and disgust. Those who practise Rasa Sadhana learn to overcome negative emotions in order to pursue better health enhanced spiritual growth and enduring happiness.
A practical, accessible guide to the fundamentals of Buddhist meditation, with pointers from some of today's most respected Buddhist teachers, including Pema Chödrön, Thich Nhat Hanh, Cyndi Lee, and Sharon Salzberg.
As countless meditators have learned firsthand, meditation practice can positively transform the way we see and experience our lives.
Compassion is a skill. You can learn it here and now, and the benefits are vast. In this recorded retreat, Pema Chödrön shows you how—using a text that is very close to her heart: the Buddhist classic known as The Way of the Bodhisattva.