The Yoga Kitchen Plan is a soulful journey towards finding your best, most authentic self where a quiet mind and overall sense of calm is the ultimate goal. Through the use of non-stimulating foods, the plan helps the reader reach a state of bliss and tranquility each day. The book starts by explaining the body's chakra system and how this is integral to a yogic lifestyle.
OURISHING VEGAN EVERY DAY embraces the flow of everyday life by providing recipes that range from nutritious to decadent, recognising the important balance between time and taste buds. Whether you're in need of a quick and energising breakfast or a show-stopping meal to impress your guests, this book will provide inspiration for delectable plant-based meals.
Want to cook vegan food at home but don't know where to start?
Think vegan food is expensive?
Unsure where to find the ingredients?
Think again!
Our challenge to you is to go vegan 1 day a week.
1 day. 5 ingredients. It's that simple.
Working with the body’s seven chakras (energy centres) is an ancient practice to help attain optimal health and wellbeing. One way to do this is through the foods you eat. From light bites to main meals and Sarah’s wonderful chakra cakes, this book will inspire you to prepare simple meals that will nourish you in a whole new way.
Possibly a Vegan’s best friend, Tofu is a wonderful protein packed, nutrient dense superfood containing iron and calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals. Plus it is super versatile and can be used in any number of sweet and savoury dishes from stir fries to smoothies.
The woman who made prevention hot is now making it delicious! Crazy Sexy Kitchen, the follow-up to Kris Carr's New York Times bestseller Crazy Sexy Diet, is a Veggie Manifesto for plant-empowered gourmands and novices alike, and it's filled with inspiration, education, cooking tips and over 150 nourishing, nosh-worthy recipes.
Our energy body is attached to our physical body through seven points, which we call chakras. Each chakra represents different energies, emotions and physical organs in our bodies. The root chakra, responsible for grounding, is boosted by red foods: berries, chillies, tomatoes. Green foods such as spinach, avocado and kiwis channel the heart chakra, which opens us to trust and intimacy.