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The Afterlife and Reincarnation

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Discovering Your Past Lives Made Easy

Discovering Your Past Lives Made Easy introduces the idea that we have multiple lifetimes, explores how they can connect to each other and offers techniques to help you experience the incredible healing and growth that they can offer you.

Memories of the afterlife - life between lives stories of personal transfor

Dr. Michael Newton, best-selling author of Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, returns with a series of case studies that highlight the profound impact of spiritual regression on people's everyday lives.

Old souls - compelling evidence from children who remember past lives

For nearly seven decades psychiatrist Dr. Ian Stevenson has been travelling the world, tracking reports of children who claim to have lived before. Spontaneously they will recall vivid details about complete strangers who died before they were born, people they say they once were. And when the memories are checked against the facts of real lives, they match to an astonishing degree.

Destiny of souls - new case studies of life between lives

A pioneer in uncovering the secrets of life, internationally recognized spiritual hypnotherapist Dr. Michael Newton takes you once again into the heart of the spirit world.

Children's Past Lives

Has your child lived before? In this fascinating, controversial, and groundbreaking book, Carol Bowman reveals overwhelming evidence of past life memories in children. Not only are such experiences real, they are far more common than most people realize.