In this first installment of the Adventurous Adeline series, readers will have fun following STEM-enthusiast Adeline and her best friend, Maya, as they seek out solutions for accessibility issues, while also teaching young readers about the importance of making spaces enjoyable for all community members.
When Adeline and her best friend, Maya, are invited to a back-to-school party, the two girls put their heads together in an inspiring fusion of Adeline's robotics skills and Maya's creativity.
Together, they set out to design a chair that could solve any accessibility issues, a chair that would not only make Adeline's life easier but also help her feel included at the party.
The question looms: Will Adeline’s invention solve the issue of accessibility, or is it up to others to find a solution so she isn’t left on the sidelines?
In this heartwarming early reader chapter book, children will discover the power of friendship, innovation, and the joy of tackling obstacles together.
Product details
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Fashik, Mary |
133 x 197 x 10 mm |
Wheat Penny Press |
9781736949788 |
English |
Media type
Paperback |
Original title
Adventurous Adeline and the Back to School Party |
Page count
48 |
Product no
9781736949788 |
Publish date
2024-09-10 |
Row House Publishing |
RRP List price
6.99 USD |
91 g |