Prayer as a spiritual discipline is the highest form of soul nourishment. It is the process and practice of establishing connection, communication, and communion with the Divine. Cultivating a consistent prayer life will not only lift your spirit but also help you develop a greater sense of empowerment and personal peace.
The "MasterPeace Prayer Cards" are designed to support seekers' exploration of daily affirmative prayer - the art of talking to God. Each of the 50 prayer-card principles serves as a spiritual oracle and invitation to clear and surrender outmoded beliefs and toxic emotions, raise your energetic vibration, and align your mind with life's most benevolent and powerful truths. These inspiring, easy-to-use cards will teach you how to trust the prayer process, deepen your practice, discipline your mind, and follow Spirit until you are connected to a new level of consciousness, where every thought you think is a prayer, each word you speak is a prayer, and everything you do is a prayer.