An adrenaline-filled manga set in a high school for delinquents who are now heroes protecting their town. A fierce, new student arrives at the school determined to fight his way to the top and become the strongest of them all. This edgy, action-packed manga is guaranteed to excite fans of Tokyo Revengers and other stories about high school delinquents
Haruka Sakura wants nothing to do with weaklings-he's only interested in the strongest of the strong. He's just started at Furin High School, a school of degenerates known only for their brawling strength-strength they use to protect their town from anyone who wishes it ill. But Haruka's not interested in being a hero or being part of any sort of team-he just wants to fight his way to the top!
Product details
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Nii, Satoru |
147 x 207 x 15 mm |
Kodansha Comics |
9781646518357 |
English |
Media type
Paperback |
Original title
Wind Breaker 01 |
Page count
192 |
Product no
9781646518357 |
Publish date
2023-08-01 |
Penguin Random House US |
RRP List price
12.99 USD |
241 g |