Creative Evolution: A Physicist's Resolution Between Darwinism & Intelligent Design (H)
Creative Evolution: A Physicist's Resolution Between Darwinism & Intelligent Design (H)
Author: Goswami, Amit
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By denying evolution altogether, says quantum physicist Amit Goswani, intelligent design believers fly in the face of scientific data.
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"Professor Amit Goswami presents here a highly rational, objective, and persuasive counter argument to the old materialistic assumption about mind and matter being irrelevantly related with mind a mere epiphenomenon of matter. Goswami is not shy here—he posits a whole new way of thinking that could change both our mindsets about God, mind, and matter and the very nature of what we mean by a physical world as different from a spiritual world. This is an important work to consider regardless of how you feel about the subject." --Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D, author of Mind into Matter, The Yoga of Time Travel, and many other books
"Goswami ranges far, wide, and deep." --Rupert Sheldrake, co-author of The Evolutionary Mind
By denying evolution altogether, says quantum physicist Amit Goswami, intelligent design believers fly in the face of scientific data. But the idea of intelligent design does contain substance that neo-Darwinists cannot ignore. Goswami posits that consciousness, not matter, is the primary force in the universe. Biology must come to terms with feeling, meaning, and the purposefulness of life, as well as with the idea of a designer. What’s more, reconciling the question of life’s purposefulness and the existence of the designer with neo-Darwinism also answers many other difficult questions. The result is a paradigm shift for biology and the vision of a coherent whole that Goswami calls "science within consciousness." In this timely, important book, the author offers clear arguments supported by the findings of quantum physics that represent a major step in resolving controversies between science and religion.
Product details
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Goswami, Amit |
152 x 229 x 25 mm |
Quest Books |
9780835608589 |
English |
Media type
Hardback |
Original title
Creative Evolution: A Physicist's Resolution Between Darwinism & Intelligent Design (H) |
Page count
344 |
Play time
0 min |
Product no
9780835608589 |
Publish date
2008-09-01 |
Quest Books |
RRP List price
26.95 USD |
617 g |