Playing Card Divination
Playing Card Divination
Author: Stephen, Ball
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Develop your own path of wisdom with a simple deck of cards.
Turn a standard deck of playing cards into a colorful divinatory system filled with inspiration, adventure, insight, and advice. In Playing Card Divination, each card from ace through king represents a mythic role (Hunter, Lover, Healer, etc.) and each of the four suits gives an action for that role (Promise, Gambit, Folly, Triumph).
Develop your own path of wisdom with a simple deck of cards.
Turn a standard deck of playing cards into a colorful divinatory system filled with inspiration, adventure, insight, and advice. In Playing Card Divination, each card from ace through king represents a mythic role (Hunter, Lover, Healer, etc.) and each of the four suits gives an action for that role (Promise, Gambit, Folly, Triumph). This brings a unique meaning to every combination—for example, the three of hearts becomes "Healer's Triumph," representing gratitude, recognition, and teamwork. For each card, author Stephen Ball provides a brief imaginative story that helps you understand and remember the meaning. You will also discover examples of readings with one card, two cards, and five cards as well tips for interpreting unexpected combinations.
This approach to reading playing cards is fresh and updated for today's reader. Whether you want to read for yourself and your friends or for clients, this book shows how to discover new perspectives that support positive transformation.
Product details
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Stephen, Ball |
127 x 178 x 15 mm |
Llewellyn Publications |
9780738764900 |
English |
Media type
Tarot/Oracle |
Original title
Playing Card Divination |
Page count
304 |
Product no
9780738764900 |
Publish date
2020-06-08 |
Llewellyn |
RRP List price
17.99 USD |
272 g |