The concept is a form of mental activity called imaging. It consists of vividly picturing in your mind a desired goal or objective and holding that image until it sinks into your unconscious mind, where it releases great untapped energies.
Through Positive Imaging you will learn how to
-- Solve your money problems
-- Outwit worry
-- Banish loneliness
-- Improve your health
-- Strengthen your marriage
-- Relate to others more successfully
Discover the power available to you through Positive Imaging.
You can take control of your problems.
You can command your life.
This book is designed to help you do it -- and do it well.
Product details
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Peale, Norman Vincent |
138 x 208 x 12 mm |
Ballantine Books |
9780449911648 |
English |
Media type
Paperback |
Original title
Positive Imaging |
Page count
192 |
Product no
9780449911648 |
Publish date
1996-08-27 |
Penguin Random House US |
RRP List price
17.00 USD |
189 g |