Tao Té Ching is ancient China’s great contribution to the literature of philosophy, religion, and mysticism.
Tao Té Ching contains the time-honored teachings of Taoism and brings a message of living simply, finding contentment with a minimum of comfort, and prizing culture above all else.
This is the lauded translation of the eighty-one poems constituting an Eastern classic, the mystical and moral teachings of which have profoundly influenced the sacred scriptures of many religions—and the lives and happiness of countless men and women through the centuries.
Translated and with an Introduction by R. B. Blakney
and an Afterword by Richard John Lynn
Product details
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Blakney, R B |
107 x 170 x 11 mm |
Signet |
9780451530400 |
English |
Media type
Massmarket paperback |
Original title
Tao Te Ching |
Page count
176 |
Product no
9780451530400 |
Publish date
2007-01-02 |
Penguin Random House US |
RRP List price
7.95 USD |
101 g |