INDUCED AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATION: A Miraculous Therapy For Grief & Loss (new edition)
INDUCED AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATION: A Miraculous Therapy For Grief & Loss (new edition)
Author: Allan L Botkin, Craig Hogan
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Induced After Death Communication (IADC) is a therapy for grief and trauma that has helped thousands of people come to terms with their loss by allowing them the experience of private communication with their departed loved ones. This is the definitive book on the subject.
Induced After Death Communication (IADC) is a therapy for grief and trauma that has helped thousands of people come to terms with their grief by allowing them the experience of private communication with their departed loved ones. This is the definitive book on the subject.
Botkin, a clinical psychologist, created the therapy while counselling Vietnam veterans in his work at a Chicago area VA hospital. Botkin recounts his initial - accidental - discovery of IADC during therapy sessions with Sam, a Vietnam vet haunted by the memory of a Vietnamese girl he couldn't save. During the session, quite unexpectedly, Sam saw a vision of the girl's spirit, who told him everything was okay; she was at peace now. This single moment surpassed months - years - of therapy, and allowed Sam to reconnect with his family.
Since that 1995 discovery, Botkin has used IADC to successfully treat countless patients - the book includes dozens of case histories - and has taught the procedure to therapists around the country.
Product details
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Allan L Botkin, Craig Hogan |
140 x 216 x 25 mm |
Hampton Roads Publishing Co |
9781571747129 |
English |
Media type
Paperback |
Original title
INDUCED AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATION: A Miraculous Therapy For Grief & Loss (new edition) |
Page count
256 |
Product no
9781571747129 |
Publish date
2014-05-31 |
Hampton Roads Publishing |
RRP List price
23.95 USD |
348 g |