Mudras for Modern Living: 49 Inspiring Cards to Boost Your Health, Enhance Your Yoga and Deepen Your Meditation
Mudras for Modern Living: 49 Inspiring Cards to Boost Your Health, Enhance Your Yoga and Deepen Your Meditation
Author: Swami, Saradananda
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This beautiful, fully illustrated deck of 49 cards and accompanying instructional booklet provides a highly practical and inspirational overview of how to use mudras (yogic hand gestures) to revitalize every aspect of your life.
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This beautiful, fully illustrated deck of 49 cards and accompanying instructional booklet provides a highly practical and inspirational overview of how to use mudras (yogic hand gestures) to revitalize every aspect of your life.
In this engaging card and booklet set, yoga and meditation teacher Swami Saradananda draws on her years of experience in all aspects of yoga to explain the background, techniques and benefits of working with mudras to boost health, relieve stress and enhance inner peace.
Each of the 49 cards features beautiful artwork on one side and a clear photograph of a mudra on the other, accompanied by its main benefit and an inspiring affirmation or mantra. There are seven suits of cards, each dedicated to a different part of the hand and its corresponding element, and each with its own positive holistic health promise. The seven categories are: fire mudras (thumb) for boosting inner strength and self-esteem; air mudras (index finger) for encouraging freedom and stress relief; ether mudras (middle finger) for enhancing inner peace, self-expression and creativity; water mudras (ring finger) for equipping you to move forward; earth mudras (little finger) for encouraging stability and grounding; mind mudras (thumb) for increasing concentration and clarity; and overall health and wellbeing mudras. The accompanying booklet includes a fascinating introduction to the power of mudras, insight into how to really get the most from the deck and a full-page explanation of each of the 49 mudras shown on the cards each with corresponding photography, step-by-step practical guidance and invaluable information about the specific benefits of the mudra in hand.
Product details
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Swami, Saradananda |
88 x 129 x 36 mm |
Watkins Publishing |
9781786782786 |
English |
Media type
Tarot/Oracle |
Original title
Mudras for Modern Living: 49 Inspiring Cards to Boost Your Health, Enhance Your Yoga and Deepen Your Meditation |
Page count
64 |
Product no
9781786782786 |
Publish date
2019-11-12 |
Penguin Random House USA |
RRP List price
14.16 GBP |
306 g |