In this best-selling guide to enlightened living, Chögyam Trungpa offers an inspiring vision for our time, modeled on the universal archetypal symbol of the peaceful warrior. In ancient times, the warrior learned to master the challenges of life, both on and off the battlefield. He acquired a sense of courage and power—not through violence or aggression, but through gentleness, courage, and self-knowledge. With this book the warrior's path is opened to contemporary men and women in search of self-mastery and greater fulfillment. Interpreting the warrior's journey in contemporary terms, Trungpa shows that in discovering the basic goodness of human life, the warrior learns to radiate that goodness out into the world for the peace and sanity of others. The Shambhala teachings—named for the legendary Himalayan Kingdom where prosperity and happiness reign—point to the potential for enlightened conduct that exists within every human being.
The Shambhala Library is a series of exquisitely designed and produced cloth editions of the world's spiritual and literary classics, both ancient and modern. Perfect for collecting or as gifts, each volume features a sewn binding, decorative endsheets, and a ribbon marker—in a delightful-to-hold 4¼ x 6¾ trim size.
Product details
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Trungpa, Chogyam |
113 x 183 x 28 mm |
9781590300411 |
English |
Media type
Hardback |
Original title
Shambhala |
Page count
224 |
Product no
9781590300411 |
Publish date
2003-01-28 |
Penguin Random House US |
RRP List price
18.95 USD |
318 g |