The Twelfth House is where the angels of our creative inspiration and spirituality and the demons of our shadow self reside. Tracy Marks, psychotherapist/astrologer, provides penetrating insights into the inner workings of both the hidden weaknesses and strength of the Twelfth House, and provides practical and easy-to-use worksheets to support the process.
The book explores the profile and meanings of the Hidden wisdom of the 12th house and the influences and patterns that is contained therein and also the 12th house Planets and Signs by rulers and placements and their meaning. Marks also explains the psychodynamics of the Twelfth House-its conflicts and process of Integration and Liberation and the deeper psychological exploration of the process and contents. Readers are also guided through self transformation through Dreamwork and the dream experience using case studies.
Product details
Attribute name |
Attribute value |
Tracy Marks |
153 x 229 x 28 mm |
Hays (Nicolas) Ltd ,U.S. |
9780892541614 |
English |
Media type
Paperback |
Original title
Your Secret Self |
Page count
272 |
Play time
0 min |
Product no
9780892541614 |
Publish date
2010-03-01 |
Ibis |
RRP List price
24.95 USD |
650 g |