Renew Your Faith in the Feminine Divine.
Combining the wisdom of the early Celtic Clan, the enchantment of ancient magick and the playfulness of the Celtic spirit, this book illustrates the basic principles of Goddess teachings so seekers can develop steadfast faith in their feminine power.
Whether you've used an oracle deck before or not, the SEA SOUL JOURNEYS ORACLE CARDS provide mindful daily mantras to boost your mood, providing quiet yet potent signposts and connecting you more deeply to your intuition and to the magic of the sea.
The Tree of Life is a sacred symbol in many cultures of the world, but here it is used as a path to knowledge linking the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet with the 22 'paths' of the Tree of Life and the astrological houses.
The Oracle you are now holding is based on an ancient Kabbalistic map of creation that dates back at least 1,000 years in the Jewish mystery tradition.
This book is a collection of Gibran's words on how to live. Here are his thoughts on what it means to live in community and solitude and what gives life meaning, along with his often prescient views on government, organised religion, wealth and commerce. Gibran's sensibility feels contemporary. He did not recognise any ultimate authority outside of the human soul: ...
This is a book that draws on ancient Chinese wisdom to explore the critical life issues: What is our place in nature? How do we make right decisions? How do we respect the earth? How are we to view life and death? What is the path we should live to truly achieve a good and meaningful life?
For Deng Ming-Dao, the two entry points for this exploration are two words: ...
Fine-tune your awareness with sacred geometry and enter the realm of multidimensionality.
Plato referred to sacred geometry as the language of the soul. For thousands of years, sacred geometry has been a part of every culture. It is the bond that connects us all to the cosmos; it is the true design of our soul.
From the bestselling author of The Power Deck, Lynn V. Andrews returns with an advanced, gorgeously rendered deck of oracle cards for the modern world.
Lynn V. Andrews has been helping her students heal, build self-confidence, and claim their power for over a quarter of a century. After years of pleas from her fans, Lynn has finally created a new deck: Sacred Vision Oracle Cards.
This is the most complete introduction to Unitarian Universalism available, covering ministry, worship, religious education, social justice and history. Extensively revised, the sixth edition prepares readers with resources and information for this crucial moment in Unitarian Universalism.
Progressive faith is at a crossroads. Liberal pulpits ring with grand sermons about the arc that bends toward justice and about progress “onward and upward forever.” Meanwhile, the people in the pews struggle to attend to the suffering of their souls and the tragic aspects of life. In this engaging polemic, using stories and metaphor, Nancy McDonald Ladd issues a call for change.
Cinnamon Moon blends both feminine and masculine points of view as she defines shamanism on a personal level and describes how the practice can provide both immediate and long-term results. For new seekers, she offers a foundational spiritual process that can help before beginning to walk any spiritual path.
Using vegetable oils, herbs, essential oils, and common kitchen equipment, this book will give you and guide you through 25 all-natural recipes for luxurious, gentle, beautiful, and magickal soaps. It includes a recipe for each of the eight Pagan Sabbats, Moon Phases, Handfasting, Quest, Croning, and other major life events.
This book provides a user-friendly introduction to the spirituality of magic. Written for the person newly interested in magic, as well as the veteran Witch, it helps the reader discover the power and beauty of magic through eternal values such as love, compassion, hope, trust, and practicality. This is not a book full of spells or lists of magical ingredients.
You've just been told your child has ADHD. Suddenly you feel overwhelmed and helpless. And you have questions…lots of questions. Just what is ADHD? Is it the same as ADD? Does your child really have it? Is it curable? What do you do now? Does your child need medication? How can you help your child still feel good about him - or herself?