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Tarot Books

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Fin de Siècle Kipper SP

“Ciro Marchetti has situated the traditional German fortune telling deck at the turn of the 19th century in Victorian England.In this expanded deck with three additional cards, rich images tell the stories of the workers as well as thewealthy during the Industrial Revolution.
€9.80 excl tax

Vision Quest FR

Discover humanity's connection with the cosmic forces of nature through Native American legends. The soothing imagery and spiritual symbols on the cards will bring you to a new understanding of our place in the cycle of life. Language: French
€10.10 excl tax

A.E. Waite Tarot Standard Blue Edition PT

€7.80 excl tax

Osho Bouddha Box FR

Nous portons tous en nous le potentiel de devenir un Bouddha à part entière. Ce magnifique paquet, comprenant 53 des cartes spectaculaires, des sutras qui développent l’esprit et un guide d’accompagnement sont les clés pour libérer ce pouvoir. Ils aident le processus d’éveil, de donner sens et signification à nos vies.
€14.00 excl tax

Vision Quest Tarot SP

El tarot de la sabiduría amerindia de Gayan Silvie Winter & Jo Dosé
Todos queremos estar más despiertos y ser más libres en nuestro pensamiento, en nuestra consciencia, en nuestro modo de vivir.
Con sus símbolos potentes, claros y sencillos el tarot Vision-Quest puede ser de gran ayuda para tomar consciencia de las fuerzas del cosmos y del espíritu en el propio vivir.
€10.10 excl tax

Raven Cards SP

Con palabras e imágenes claras, pero de ninguna manera superficiales, las Raven Cards proporcionan un fondo siempre presente de sugerencias – y conocimientos que arrojan diluz sobre situaciones difíciles, proporcionan una clave para resolver un problema espinoso o simplemente señalan camino a seguir.
€10.00 excl tax

Tarot de Marseille Convos PT

€9.40 excl tax

Night Fairies

€11.70 excl tax

Nature's Whispers Oracle

Nature is continually enticing us to spend time in her embrace, through the calling of birds, the babbling of brooks and streams, the fragrant smell of the flowers and the whispers of the trees as the wind blows through their branches.
€21.00 excl tax

A.E. Waite Tarot Deluxe Premium Edition SP

€14.50 excl tax

Tarot de Marseille FR

€10.50 excl tax

Oracle Of The Unicorns : A Realm of Magic, Miracles & Enchantment

The most enchanting of mystical creatures, unicorns are a symbol of miracles, purity and magic. Like mermaids and faeries and dragons, unicorns, too, have a distinct and powerful spiritual energy. Delve into their wondrous realm through the ORACLE OF THE UNICORNS to reawaken your intuitive abilities, your innate wisdom, your unique gifts, your extraordinary courage, your divine potential.
€21.00 excl tax

The Wild Unknown Notebook Set

€8.30 excl tax

Be Kind (52-Card Deck & Guidebook)

Mindfulness teacher Anna Black believes we can create new ways of thinking and behaving to cultivate a kinder attitude to ourselves and others. The 52 cards in this kit include ideas for acts of kindness towards others as well as suggestions for developing self-kindness
€12.10 excl tax

Druid Plant Oracle Reissue

Discover the herbs, flowers and fungi considered sacred in the Druid tradition, with this beautifully illustrated oracle. The virtues and qualities of each plant, and the ancient folklore and mythology associated with them, offer wisdom, inspiration and guidance, in this enlightening pack.
€14.90 excl tax

The Celtic Tree Oracle: A System of Divination

Within this box lies the secret language of the Celts. To open the pack is to discover an ancient method of communication – and a means of divination. In the Celtic Ogham, or tree, alphabet, each letter embodies the spirit of a tree or plant, here represented on a richly decorated card.
€13.70 excl tax

Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards : Receive Inspiration and Healing from the Angelic Kingdoms

Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards are inspired by the Twelve Archangels of Atlantis. The cards, like the angels, appear as loving, wise guides providing powerful counsel in order to heal our lives.
€7.70 excl tax

Astrology reading cards - your personal guidance from the stars

Self-help astrological advice has never been easier to attain than with this spirit guiding card deck. Featuring three sets of cards—the Zodiac Signs, the Planets and the Houses—advice seekers can select a card from each set and then use the book of guidelines to interpret the answer.
€8.90 excl tax

Animal Whispers Empowerment Cards: Animal Wisdom to Empower, Heal and Inspire

This divination card deck brings empowerment and inspiration in tune with the rhythms of nature and the planet from the animal kingdom.
€8.90 excl tax