For countless millennia, humans have connected to the mystical power of the moon and the energy of the seasons. For our ancient ancestors, the earliest veneration and sacred honouring was of the Moon, the seasons, the cycles of light and dark, hot and cold, fertility and rest.
This immersive 36-card deck of goddesses has been created to help you bring intention and ritual into your day. Each goddess carries her own message, mantra, and ritual that you can connect to and practice with mindfulness and intention. The goddesses will help elevate your daily routines into rituals and create mindfulness practices out of the mundane.
Discover your future with these stunning and magical cards inspired by mermaids and dolphins.
Pick up Mermaids and Dolphins and divine your fate with these 52 beautiful cards expressing the magic of two of the ocean’s most beguiling creatures – the mermaid and the dolphin.
This insightful Lenormand system of divination includes 41 beautiful cards consisting of imagery channeled from ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. Providing clear keywords and playing card associations, learn traditional Lenormand and ancient Egyptian meanings for each card or combination of cards.
Sigils are special symbols that are used alone or in a series, have specific energies, and contain an essence that can be harnessed to carry out a specific duty. In this groundbreaking kit, sigil expert Jane Matthews demonstrates how they can be utilized to create massive change and empowerment for anyone seeking to use them for positive transformation.
In this new and revised second edition of the powerful alchemy of the soul, The Mary-El Tarot, revisit 78 magnificent Tarot cards, including 4 new and enchanting paintings and updated guidebook, Landscapes of the Abyss.
The Nightfall Tarot is a darkened interpretation of the classic Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. Designed for those new to the world of Tarot, or longtime practitioners, this 78-card deck stays true to the original meanings developed by Arthur Waite and Pamela Coleman Smith, with some updates to many of the symbols and scenes.
“An imprisoned person with no other book than the Tarot, if he knew how to use it, could in a few years acquire universal knowledge and would be able to speak on all subjects with unequaled learning and inexhaustible eloquence.” — Eliphas Levi..........
The Tarot represents the fundamental laws of nature, Thus the Tarot can be used to understand anything: science, religion, nature...
Each card presents a painting of a woman on the go, along with an upbeat, accessible message. Designed especially for the fast-paced life of today's modern goddesses, the 33 cards can be carried anywhere, to bring cheer and inspiration everywhere. Includes 70-page booklet.
Find spiritual insight and life-changing guidance to awaken the Witch within in this revolutionary new interpretation of the Rider-Waite Tarot, blending the divine magic of nature with the wisdom of modern Witchcraft.
A journey of wisdom, connection and rediscovering the divine feminine
Beloved teacher, practical mystic, and divine healer Mary Magdelene is an archetype for our time. Within her journeys, we discover the stories, secrets, and potentials of all women who rise above challenges using intuition, creative thinking, and deep, transformative compassion.
The I Ching, or the Book of Changes, is an ancient book of wisdom and guidancerooted in Daoist and Confucian philosophyon how to live fully and nobly while managing life's ups and downs.
Inspired by nature's cycles, the Earth and Bone Oracle honors the concepts of rebirth and transformation and is tailored to help readers grow and heal spiritually.
Inside the luxurious flip-top presentation box you'll find 81 perfectly weighted and intricately designed cards along with a booklet of interpretations so that you can get started with your first reading straight away.