On the surface, cats may seem to care about very little other than finding the sunniest spots to nap or the best boxes to hide in, but they have higher paths, greater purposes and truer callings in life.
This is a revolutionary book that explains in simple and direct language the basic principles and uses of the Human Design astrological system.
The system, created in the mid-20th century by the late spiritual teacher, Ra Uru Hu, is an astonishingly accurate personality guide that helps you understand your unique personality type.
This book contains everything you need to know on getting started with astrology, and how to use it to plan and predict your life. Yasmin Boland is an award-winning astrologer and bestselling astrology writer, and has put together this guide to help you understand past events, present challenges and future possibilities for your life.
The Sun and Moon symbolise two very basic but different psychological processes that operate in every human being. The lunar light lures us toward fusion with the mother and the safety of the uroboric container. It also teachers us how to relate, to feel compassion, to care for ourselves.