SHAMANIC EGYPTIAN ASTROLOGY integrates the Egyptian pantheon, the ancient language of astrology and shamanic practices to promote a new way to interpret and work with natal charts. Revealing the cross-cultural mythology and astrological significance of the individual Egyptian gods and goddesses, the authors link each of the 12 zodiac signs and 11 celestial bodies of Western astrology with its ...
You are personally invited by the 12 Archangels to receive all that you desire from Source, especially the true happiness that often seems out of reach. Your Soul has the clear guidance and tools to help you move from lack to abundance and attract wealth and healing and the Archangels will show you how.
Combined for the first time in one updated and revised volume, the three books of "The Mind Chronicles Trilogy"- show that all the places, times and beings we have ever known exist now in our memory banks.
All cultures haves stories of the First People, the “Old Ones,” our prehistoric forebears who survived the Great Flood and initiated the first sacred traditions. From the squat “gods” of Mexico and Peru to the fairy kingdom of Europe to the blond pygmies of Madagascar, on every continent of the world they are remembered as masters of stone carving, agriculture, navigation, writing and shamanic ...
Shortly after his wedding at his family's ancient castle in Tuscany, sophisticated and mysterious Armando Pierleoni reveals his richly symbolic painting of the love between Jesus and Mary Magdalene to his bride, Jennifer.
Many researchers have investigated the science of time cycles by using the Mayan Calendar, which tracks the 5,125-year Long Count ending in the year 2012. History shows that civilizations suddenly appeared around 3115 B.C. in Egypt, India, and Sumer that used calendars based on systems similar to the Mayan Calendar, reflecting what was once a universal and sacred understanding of time.
· Includes accounts of Rolling Thunder by his grandson Sidian Morning Star Jones, Stanley Krippner, Alberto Villoldo, Larry Dossey, William Lyon, Jean Millay, John Perry Barlow, Stephan Schwartz, Ed Little Crow, Leslie Gray, Oh Shinna Fast Wolf, Jürgen Kremer, and David Sessions, among others
· Shows how his teachings and powers have transcended his death and how many of his climate change ...
Beautiful rarities of nature, all-white animals are held sacred by many indigenous cultures and offer deep wisdom to all who will listen. In addition to the White Buffalo, there are other revered white animals, such as the White Wolf, White Lion, White Elephant and White Bear.
We all have experienced disappointment, sadness, rejection, or the loss of something meaningful in our lives. When you are wounded, innate animalistic instincts for self-protection kick in as a means for survival. These behaviour patterns are a natural and necessary coping strategy, at first.
During the crucial period between 1987 and 2012 – a nanosecond in the annals of existence where secrets and solutions are stored – we have the unique opportunity to move from the deepest of density ...
Using shamanic techniques, Planetary Healing empowers readers to combine their healing intentions with the intelligent field of creation to tackle environmental degradation and other urgent global ...
A ground-breaking study of ceremonial stone landscapes in Northeast America and their relationship to other sites around the world
· Features a comprehensive field guide to hundreds of megalithic stone structures in northeastern America, including cairns, perched boulders, and effigies
· Details the Wall of Manitou, the Hammonasset Line, landscape astronomy along the Hudson River, and a ...
· Explores the golden civilization of ancient Egypt and its system of natural magic that birthed the Western Mystery tradition
· Examines each phase of Egyptian history from the Pharaonic period, through the Roman conquest, to the ongoing Islamization
· Provides a revised portrait of the life of Muhammad, revealing his connections to the Essene tradition
Imagine the paradise of ancient ...
Dreams speak to us on deep levels. Through dreaming we open a gateway to our inner world. Through lucid dreaming we open to conscious interaction with the surroundings, happenings and living beings within the dreamscape.
Over many years, animal communicator, Dawn Baumann Brunke, dreamed of polar bears.
The discovery and translation of the Gnostic Gospels have revealed Mary Magdalene to be a gifted visionary teacher and the best qualified disciple to lead the Jesus movement following his death. Yet, according to most scholars, only a few fragments of her actual teachings have survived.
In ESOTERIC EGYPT, J. S. Gordon reveals how the sacred science and wisdom tradition of ancient Egypt - the Land of Khem - stems from an advanced prehistoric worldwide civilisation. Examining the metaphysical structure of our universe as seen by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Celts, he shows that each tradition is merely a variation on the central concepts of the precession of the equinoxes and ...
After experiencing a powerful vision of the nuclear power plant near her home and its toxic effects on the Hudson River, acupuncturist, Gail Rex, was inspired to help heal the river and surrounding lands but was unsure how to begin.