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Beyond Words Publishing

Beyond Words Publishing is a book publishing company located in Portland, Oregon, United States. Founded in 1983, the company was unprofitable in its early years, though its works were award-winning. The privately owned company focuses on non-fiction titles in the New Age genre (now generally referred to as mind-body-spirit category), but began as a publisher of coffee table books.

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Crystal Woman: The Sisters of the Dreamtime

€8.90 excl tax

Windhorse Woman: A Marriage of Spirit

€8.90 excl tax

Practical Tarot: A 78-Card Deck & Guidebook

€15.00 excl tax

Guidance from Gaia Oracle

€13.30 excl tax

Animal Talk: Interspecies Telepathic Communication (New Edition)

Three decades ago, Penelope Smith fi rst presented "Animal Talk" and her effective telepathic communication techniques that can dramatically transform your relationships with your animal companions.
€10.00 excl tax

Intuitive Way: The Definitive Guide To Increasing Your Awareness

This is the third edition, with added material, of The Intuitive Way. A renowned intuitive and visionary shows you how to know what you need to know just when you need to know it. Intuition is not a rare gift that only a gifted few possess but an innate human capacity that can be enhanced and developed.
€9.80 excl tax

Sacred Nature Oracle

Awaken to a place of sacred sanctuary and become one with nature, opening yourself to the powerful healing energy of traditional plant wisdom. Nurture your body, mind, and soul through a lavishly photographed oracle deck to help you discover how medicinal plants can provide deep guidance, inspiration, and wellness.
€13.90 excl tax

Code (The): Unlocking The Ancient Power Of Your Birthday (H)

THE CODE introduces readers to an enriching and timeless tradition practised for centuries in Western Europe. Going beyond simple numerology and mystic numbers, THE CODE offers a practical guide to discovering your personal tendencies, choosing a career, raising children, navigating relationships and living a fulfilling, healthy life.
€16.70 excl tax

Oracle of the Celestial Deities

€11.10 excl tax

Frequency: The Power Of Personal Vibration (Q)

"Frequency" advances the concepts of several blockbuster books, films, and ideas--filling in gaps, correcting misperceptions, and grounding the principles of the Law of Attraction in additional ways.
€7.10 excl tax

Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things! (Q)

Living the life of your dreams isn't just about dreaming: it's also about living--following your impulses, turning over every stone, and stepping out into the world so the wind can catch your sails.
€7.10 excl tax

Secret language of your body - the essential guide to health and wellness

THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF YOUR BODY is a comprehensive guide to understanding the messages of the body, revealing the underlying energetic causes of more than 300 symptoms and medical conditions. This powerful handbook explores nearly every conceivable part of the human body, delving deeply into the possible reasons for problems and offering a unique, step-by-step method to return the body to its ...
€8.60 excl tax

Goddesses & Sirens Oracle : Book & Oracle Set

There was a time when Goddesses and Gods, the Feminine and Masculine Divine, were the two halves of a creative whole and were honoured deeply in that way. Yet, with the coming of new religions, the Feminine Divine became feared, disrespected and almost lost to the world. Again, She rises!
€11.00 excl tax

One Law : Henry Drummond on Nature's Law, Spirit, and Love

In his visionary work on the natural and sacred spheres, New Thought pioneer, Henry Drummond, started to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. He explained how modern laws of physics, biology, cybernetics and ecology are the same laws that govern the spiritual realm. He showed how various scientific findings may be applied to seemingly divine human experiences.
€8.80 excl tax

Find Your Happy - Daily Mantra Deck

You owe it to yourself to live each day with more passion, adventure, and joy. Bestselling author, coach, and speaker Shannon Kaiser shares fifty-six inspirational mantras along with daily motivation to help you align with your best self and “play with the world” at the same time.
€11.00 excl tax