In The Twelve Gates, clinical anthropologist John Rush embarks on a spellbinding journey through death rituals in various cultures, centering on the ancient Egyptian philosophy of death and resurrection.
Would you like to understand the deeper spiritual meaning of physical illness, parenting handicapped children, drug addiction, alcoholism, the death of a loved one, accidents, deafness, and blindness?
Conventional wisdom traces Tarot cards to medieval Italy, but their roots go back much further in time and draw on a surprisingly rich variety of cultures and spiritual traditions. Combining pioneering scholarship with practical spiritual instruction, Origins of the Tarot is the first book to unveil the full range of the ancient streams of wisdom from which the Tarot emerged.
Victoria Boutenko responds to the crisis of childhood obesity with a story that makes children excited about nutrition, healthy foods, vegetables and fruits, green smoothies, and the science of plants.
"Countering conventional medicine's view of health care as a protracted war with germs and disease, Transforming the Nature of Health asks us to consider what medicine would look like if we were at ...
Why does Western medicine fail to cure chronic physical and mental illness? Why do so many treatments and drugs work only for a limited time before eventually losing effectiveness or producing harmful side effects?
Dr. Steven Goldsmith's answer is at once counterintuitive and commonsensical: the root of the problem is our combative approach.
One hundred recipes--from raw to steamed and lightly cooked dishes, from appetizers to desserts--offer readers the means to enjoy a more sustainable, healthy, and energetic lifestyle. 160 pp.
A great read for seekers and thrill-seekers interested in ayahuasca tourism, entheogens, and counterculture studies, this companion volume to the author's memoir Aya Awakenings collects in-depth …
Using lively stories from her vast experience leading healing retreats, best-selling author Victoria Boutenko guides readers on the adventure of how to organize and carry out their own green smoothie programs with friends and family.
A Course of Love declares itself to be "a course to establish your identity and to end the reign of the ego." An ambitious agenda! This little book offers an overview of this new spiritual masterpiece, which is a continuation of A Course in Miracles. Long-time blogger Celia Hales is both comprehensive and clear in A COURSE OF LOVE: AN OVERVIEW.
The Tarot is one of the few books that cuts through conventional misperceptions to explore the Tarot deck as it really developed in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Europe-not, as some would suggest, in the far reaches of Egyp-tian antiquity. Mining the Hermetic, alchemical, and Neoplatonic influences behind the evolution of the deck, author Robert M.
New Moon: A Coming-of-Age Tale traces the author’s path through grade school at P. S. 6, “group” in Central Park, high school at Horace Mann, and college at Amherst, while recalling Freudian psychoanalysis, Grossinger’s Hotel in the Catskills, Color War at Camp Chipinaw, ‘50s rock ’n’ roll, teen romance, the mysterious world of tarot cards, and spiritual and political initiation.
Here is the first book by the writer who inspired countless men and women to achieve their greatest potential. It is a simple, straight-to-the-point summary of the principles of affirmative thought that Ernest Holmes made famous in his Science of Mind philosophy.
Joining the ranks of Tarcher's runaway editions of "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "Public Speaking for Success" by Dale Carnegie, and "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles, here are three landmark guides to a life of prosperity-now restored to print in beautiful, signature volumes.
In this long-awaited new book, Eden speaks directly to women, showing them how they can work with energy to tackle the specific health challenges they face.