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Cartamundi/AGM-Urania Königsfurt-Urania Verlag Gmb

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Kipper Mystique FR

Les cartes Kipper traditionnelles brillent d'un nouvel éclat mystique. Après le grand succès des cartes mystiques de Mlle Lenormand, Regula Elizabeth Fiechter nous présente un nouveau trésor pour les amateurs de cartes.

Mystical Kipper

The traditional Kipper cards gleam in a new mystical splendor. After the Mystical Lenormand, Regula Elizabeth Fiechter introduces us to her new Mystic Kipper deck, another treasure for those interested in divination. Urban Trosch painted the 36 cards in the classical egg tempera technique. The result is a work of art with great luminous power and exactitude.

Mlle Lenormand Blue Owl

Mlle Lenormand Blue Owl deck is the English language version of the famous fortune-telling deck used by Mlle Lenormand.

Climbing Your Personal Mountain

This luminous 44-card deck is imbued with Kim Dreyer’s artistic vision and her passion for the natural and the supernatural elements we encounter on our soul paths. She has created Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck to help guide others to a deeper level of consciousness and a more harmonious life.

Secret of Successful Wishing

The world is full of magical places, powerful and energetic. When we get in touch with these places, we can greatly increase our wishcraft.

Divine Flow

Is a great new tool to bring divine flow into your life. You can discover solutions to problems, find guidance for your next step on your spiritual path, or simply be inspired to make your life more joyful. Angels, masters and divine beings of light connect with you each time to reflect the exact quality of divine flow that can help you to find a new direction and open your mind for joy and peace.

Raven Cards

In legends and traditions throughout the world, the raven is generally depicted as a clever, curious and communicative bird with a humorous trait. Gabi Bucker has embraced this belief and created this deck of inspiration cards to guide, motivate and uplift troubled readers.

Message of the Wee Folks

Connecting with the Sacred Energies of Nature Each card provides a loving connection to nature with a message, an affirmation, a task, and a Faerie Philosophy.

Rune Vision Cards

The runic alphabet was created 2000 years ago by the Germanic peoples of Northern Europe. It is steeped in magic and mysticism, encompassing this ancient culture's beliefs and traditions, from the everyday to their most sacred. The runic oracle was used to enlist the powerful influence of the Norse gods and goddesses that it represented.

Power Animal Tarot 4-Languages

Power Animals connect your soul with the universe. Every animal has very special powers: encouraging powers, powers instilling patience, powers demanding vision.

Women/Frauen Tarot

Popular tarot artist Peter Englehardt has created a deck that speaks to the hears and minds of woman everywhere. Titles and instrucions in English, German, French and Spanish.

Osho Zen Deck, Japanese edition currently out of stock

The Osho Zen Tarot focuses on gaining an understanding of the here and now. It is a system based on the wisdom of Zen, a wisdom that says events in the outer world simply reflect our own thoughts and feelings, even though we ourselves might be unclear about what those thoughts and feelings are.

Mudras for Body, Mind & Spirit

Description: Mudras – special finger and hand position exercises which transform our hands into real powerhouses.

Osho Bouddha Box FR

Nous portons tous en nous le potentiel de devenir un Bouddha à part entière. Ce magnifique paquet, comprenant 53 des cartes spectaculaires, des sutras qui développent l’esprit et un guide d’accompagnement sont les clés pour libérer ce pouvoir. Ils aident le processus d’éveil, de donner sens et signification à nos vies.

Mystical Lenormand Cards

Beautifully designed Lenormand cards for magickal readings. 

Mystiques Lenormand Cartes FR

Livret français de 40 pages. Format : 6 x 9.2 cm. Cet oracle est composé de 36 cartes. Le Jeu mystique de Lenormand voit certes son inspiration dans les cartes classiques de Melle Lenormand, mais revêt cependant une toute nouvelle conception individuelle. L'artiste suisse Urban Trösch a peint les images sur des planches à fond de craie selon une technique de détrempe à l'oeuf.