One of the most powerful mystical traditions is that of the Qabala and the Tree of Life. Through this cassette you can begin your journey, climbing that Tree of Life. The meditation takes you into the Temple of Malkuth to awaken and manifest the gifts available to us there. The music and meditation are composed so that they can be used with all ten levels on the tree of Life - not just Malkuth.
PSYCHIC PROTECTION, the latest offering from Ted Andrews - the popular and prolific author of 25 books and audiotapes - is an outstanding consideration of all aspects of the psychic world, from spirit attachment and clairvoyance to psychic phone lines. This comprehensive guide takes the uninitiated seeker into the mysteries of the psychic world.
Use the animal wise tarot to strengthen your connection with the animal world, and to find the answers to your most puzzling questions in life. The tarot’s clarity and ease of use will be a refreshing surprise to the practitioner and novice alike in divining for the future and gaining insight on a single day, month, or year.
NATURE SPEAK is to the plant kingdom what 'Animal Speak' and 'Animal Wise' are to the animal kingdom.
Inside readers will:
· Learn to read signs and omens in nature
· Interpret the meaning of landscapes
· Discover how plants speak
· Explore the lessons and meaning of the plant kingdom through extensive dictionaries of landscapes trees flowers herbs and more.
Animals are our guardians, our teachers and our message bringers from Mother Nature. From the author of the best selling books Animal-Speak and Animal-Wise comes a companion manual to guide you deeper into the animal world.
· Contains more than 20 magical activities for working with animals.
· Take sacred journeys into the animal realm.
· Explore feather healing and magic.
Based on his best selling book NATURE-SPEAK, the NATURE-SPEAK ORACLE is the first oracle dealing with the plants and landscapes of the Green Kingdom. The boxed set contains 60 full-color, true-life photos of landscapes, flowers, trees and season/climate cards. It also contains a 150 page instructional guide with interpretations of the cards and ways to use them.
Ted Andrews' Animal-speak Runes is a book and rune divination kit. This kit contains 40 animal runes, inscribed on pine wood - along with the animal's name and meaning. The book describes how to use the runes for insight, divination and answers to everyday situations and questions.
Boxed set includes 40 wooden rune-like charms, 128 page guide book and a carrying bag for the runes.
Sometimes an animal's message is too important to wait until we get home to explore it. From the leading authority on animal messengers and author of the modern classics Animal-Speak and Animal-Wise comes the solution.
Boxed set of book and 40 full-color omen cards. Feathered Omens is a book and card divination kit. This contains 40 omen cards with full-color images of birds with their meaning and significance. The book describes how to use the cards for insight, divination and answers to everyday situations and questions.