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For Beginners

For Beginners® is a graphic nonfiction series that deconstructs complex ideas and makes them accessible to the everyday reader. Every book in the series serves one purpose: to present the works of great thinkers and subjects alike in a straightforward, accessible manner. With subjects ranging from philosophy to politics, art, and beyond, the For Beginners series covers a range of topics in a humorous comic book-style.

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Toni morrison for beginners

If you haven't read Toni Morrison, TONI MORRISON FOR BEGINNERS will introduce you to her novels - plot descriptions, subtexts, reviews and Morrison's comments on her work. However, if you have read - or attempted to read - Toni Morrison, you may need this book even more. Many people consider Morrison's novels difficult to read.
€8.60 excl tax

Freemasonry for beginners

Many people have heard of Freemasonry, but few have any idea what it is, what it does or why it exists. FREEMASONRY FOR BEGINNERS will give you the basic facts about Freemasonry and why it remains active today.
€8.60 excl tax

Literary theory for beginners

Have you heard the terms 'structuralism' and 'deconstruction' and 'postmodernism' but aren't really sure what they mean? Have you taken a whole course on literary criticism, but are still feeling lost? Here's the book you need to sort it all out - and enjoy doing so!
€8.60 excl tax

Abstract expressionism for beginners

Abstract Expressionism was the defining movement in American art during the years following World War II, making New York City the centre of the international art scene. But what the heck did it mean! The drips, the spills, the splashes, the blotches of colour, the wild spontaneous energy—signifying what?
€8.60 excl tax

Chicano movement for beginners

As the heyday of the Chicano Movement of the late 1960s to early 70s fades further into history and as more and more of its important figures pass on, so too does knowledge of its significance. Thus, CHICANO MOVEMENT FOR BEGINNERS is an important attempt to stave off historical amnesia. It seeks to shed light on the multifaceted, civil rights struggle that formed the Chicano Movement.
€8.60 excl tax

Libertarianism for beginners

Libertarianism isn't about winning elections - it is first and foremost a political philosophy - a description of how, in the opinion of libertarians, free people ought to treat one another, at least when they use the law, which they regard as potentially dangerous.
€8.60 excl tax

Harriet tubman for beginners

As the most famous “conductor” on the Underground Railroad, escaped slave, Harriet Tubman, earned the nickname “Moses of her People” for leading scores of men, women and children from bondage to freedom in the North. During the Civil War, she worked as a nurse for wounded soldiers, a caretaker of refugee slaves and a spy and scout for Union forces.
€8.60 excl tax

First amendment for begiinners

The First Amendment has been parsed, fought over, and argued about for over 200 years, but rarely has it been understood by non-lawyers . . . until now! Join Michael LaMonica as he takes you on a journey through the ins and outs of an amendment that means so much more than just freedom of speech.
€8.60 excl tax

Anthropology For Beginners

Anyone living today could form the impression that humanity is essentially fractured and fragmented - that we're split up along ethnic, geographic, cultural, national and ideological lines. This is the new social reality. But, in ANTHROPOLOGY FOR BEGINNERS, Micah J.
€8.60 excl tax

History of classical music for beginners

Music history is nearly as old as human civilisation itself and while it has permeated the arts and popular culture for centuries, it still has a mystifying aura surrounding it. But fear not - it's not as complicated as it seems and anyone can learn the origins and history of Western classical music.
€8.60 excl tax

Prison industrial complex for beginners

PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX FOR BEGINNERS is a graphic narrative project that attempts to distill the fundamental components of what scholars, activists and artists have identified as the Mass Incarceration movement in the United States.
€8.60 excl tax

Bukowski For Beginners

Charles Bukowski, novelist, short-story writer, poet, journalist and cult figure of the dissident and rebellious, was born in Germany in 1920 and died in the USA in 1994. During his life he was hailed as "laureate of American lowlife" by Time Magazine and literary critic, Adam Kirsch of The New Yorker, wrote: "the secret of Bukowski's appeal. . .
€8.60 excl tax

Black panthers for beginners

A crowd of onlookers gawked from the pavement as four young black men dressed in black leather jackets and berets leapt from a Volkswagen, each of them wielding shotguns with bandoliers strapped across their bodies. The young men surrounded two white police officers who had accosted a black man and had him spread-eagled against a building.
€8.60 excl tax

Saussure For Beginners

A concise, accessible introduction to the great linguist who shaped the study of language for the 20th century, SAUSSURE FOR BEGINNERS puts the challenging ideas of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) into clear and illuminating terms, focusing on the unifying principles of his teachings and showing how his thoughts on linguistics migrated to anthropology.
€8.60 excl tax

Climate change for beginners

Year after year science continually proves that global climate change is real. But what does it all really mean and what can or should we do about it? CLIMATE CHANGE FOR BEGINNERS is a clear, fluid narrative by a leading scientist and lecturer who takes a scrupulously balanced approach in explaining the history of global climate monitoring and change and the whos, hows, whats, whens, wheres ...
€8.60 excl tax

Music theory for beginners

Music theory is the study of the fundamental elements of music and how it is written. MUSIC THEORY FOR BEGINNERS was developed for anyone interested in learning to read and write music, a task that can be quite daunting for novices. This book, however, will allay any fears and set you on the path to learning what all those dots, lines and symbols actually mean.
€8.60 excl tax

Tesla for beginners

Before you read any further, take a few moments to note all of the devices that are powered by electricity within a 10-foot radius of your body. The number will astonish you. Imagine how this number grows exponentially as you broaden the circle beyond the room, throughout the building, around the block and out across the world.
€8.60 excl tax

Joyce For Beginners

The works of James Joyce are part of the literary canon worldwide - and the need to have his works broken out into palatable pieces, even for the most avid of fans, is known the world over as well. In JOYCE FOR BEGINNERS, W. Terrence Gordon does just that.
€8.60 excl tax