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Hay House UK Ltd

Hay House is a mission-driven company dedicated to supporting positive change in the world by helping all people to grow in mind, body, and spirit. With a diverse roster of customers, authors, and points of view, Hay House offers products and resources that empower, educate, and inspire.

Hay House produces books (print, electronic, and audio), card decks, calendars, streaming content, mobile apps, and more. From self-improvement to spirituality, health to business, metaphysics to memoir, diet to tarot, children’s books to crystals, we offer our audience a wide selection of practical and inspirational resources in a broad range of formats.

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Connected Fates, Separate Destinies

€8.00 excl tax

Gods in Shackles

€7.90 excl tax

Transient Light Tarot

Unlock transformation, growth and joy with this beautifully crafted, plastic-free tarot deck and discover the powerful opportunities that can emerge from change. Drawing inspiration and symbols from traditional tarot and personal experiences, illustrator Ari Wisner has created a diverse, innovative tarot deck that will show you the beauty at the core of change.
€10.30 excl tax

Raid on the Inarticulate

€5.20 excl tax

The Upgrade

€8.50 excl tax

Spontaneous Creativity

€8.50 excl tax

Angel kids

€5.20 excl tax

Your relationship - a work in progress

The joy of the best relationships is their changing nature - they surprise us and adapt throughout our lives. However, what happens when we cannot find a way to adapt? Whether your relationship is seriously dysfunctional or simply not quite as good as you'd like it to be, this book is for you.
€5.90 excl tax

Cellular awakening - how your body holds and creates light

A fusion of cutting edge science and ancient wisdom, Cellular Awakening shows that whatever illness you may have, you have the potential to heal yourself. What if most of what you had been told about health and the human body was wrong? What if you had within you the ability to heal from any condition?
€10.50 excl tax

How to develop your 7th sense

Most of us can have an idea of our intuition and the 6th Sense. Often we see things out of the corner of our eye or know who’s calling before we’ve picked up the phone, but little is known of how to take this skill further.
€8.20 excl tax

Big peace - find yourself without going anywhere

What would life be like if you could wallow in self-acceptance on a daily basis? What would it be like if you really believed that there was nothing wrong with you and that you were good enough just the way you are?
€5.90 excl tax

Cosmic ordering wish book

This beautiful, inspirational diary builds on the success of ‘Cosmic Ordering for Beginners’ and provides people with the daily inspiration and keys that they need to bring their wishes and dreams into reality.
€5.20 excl tax

Feeding your demons - ancient wisdom for resolving inner conflict

Struggling with depression, anxiety, illness, an eating disorder, a difficult relationship, fear, self-hatred, addiction or anger? Renowned Buddhist leader Tsultrim Allione explains that the harder we fight our demons, the stronger they become.
€9.10 excl tax

One-minute mystic

Need a break from the mayhem of the modern world? Sometimes all you need is to give yourself permission to pause.
€7.00 excl tax

Power of no - take back your life with a two-letter word

The terrible 'yes years'. You know them well. You're suckered into unflattering hairdos, back-fat-exposing blouses, bad dates, and worse relationships all because you can't say that all-important two-letter word: N-O. This title is suitable for women who may have been passed over for promotions, and dated a string of losers.
€5.20 excl tax

What is your self-worth? - a womans guide to validation

Psychologist, philanthropist, and family advocate Cheryl Saban, Ph.D., is on a mission! What Is Your Self-Worth? is a “call to action” for women around the world to take a look at how society perceives them, how they perceive themselves, and how women can adopt a personal mind-set (choosing happiness). You can form new habits!
€5.90 excl tax

Positive shrinking - a story of mind over platter: proven techniques that w

This book gives you all you need to know now to enable you to achieve control over both your weight and your relationship with food.
€4.30 excl tax

Plan bee - everything you ever wanted to know about the hardest working cre

With this personal and informative primer, Susan Brackney opens the beehive to reveal the inner life of these unsung heroes of the food chain. At a time when their continued existence is threatened, Brackney's guide is an enthusiastic exploration that will set your mind buzzing.
€5.90 excl tax

Mindful manifesto - how doing less and noticing more can help us thrive in

We live in a speedy, pressurised world, and with little pause to really experience and enjoy our lives. Instead it's time for us to stop, pay attention to our minds, notice what we are doing, and appreciate what we have.
€7.20 excl tax

Happier Than She's Ever Been...

May Fitzgerald suddenly has everything she's ever wanted. After years of feeling fat and frumpy and looking for love in all the wrong places, she finally has the life and man of her dreams. It all should be so perfect - she had followed her inner voice and it led her to the magical life she had dreamt of.
€4.40 excl tax