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Hierophant Publishing

Hierophant Publishing is a Body, Mind, and Spirit book publisher. 

Historically, a hierophant was an ancient Greek priest or priestess, a person who interpreted the sacred mysteries and esoteric principles of the day— a mystagogue, if you will.

Our goal is to publish words that were inspired from Silence, that point beyond themselves, and in doing so, awaken the Hierophant within you.

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How to communicate like a buddhist

An Instruction Manual for Clear Communication The most well known Buddhist teachers on the planet all have something in common: they are excellent communicators. This is not by accident, as the Buddha taught what are called the four elements of right speech over 2,600 years ago.
€10.00 excl tax

Break The Grip Of Past Lovers

In BREAK THE GRIP OF PAST LOVERS, author, Jumana Sophia, teaches women how to reclaim their personal power, re-establish healthy boundaries and move forward into deeper and more intimate relationships with a renewed sense of sensual receptivity and emotional balance.
€10.00 excl tax

Human Design Workbook

Start Here! This is what Karen Curry Parker tells all students new to Human Design, especially when they may be overwhelmed by all the rich and complex information outlined in an individual's Human Design chart.
€13.90 excl tax

Your Spacious Self - Updated & Expanded 10th Anniversary Edition

It's a here! Behind our stress, clutter, and confusion is an infinitely spacious place one might call stillness or joy. This is our natural state of being, but we usually don't experience it, because we are caught in a web of material possessions, desires, and fears.
€11.00 excl tax

Don miguel ruizs little book of wisdom - the essential teachings

don Miguel Ruiz is the author of The Four Agreements, The Mastery of Love and numerous other best-selling books. He is, also, one of the most influential spiritual teachers on the planet, having touched the lives of millions of people around the globe. No one has been more affected by his teachings than his own son, don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.
€10.50 excl tax

Medicine Bag

One of the main tenets of shamanism is a belief in the power of rituals and ceremonies to manifest change in the physical world. Every shamanic school on the planet uses rituals and ceremonies as tools for personal transformation.
€11.10 excl tax

7 Energies Of The Soul

David Gandelman has helped thousands of students look within to find their own answers to life's big questions: Who am I? What am I here to do? How can I find happiness? Over the course of this journey, he began to notice that the overwhelming number of powerful life questions and conundrums his students encountered fell into seven categories, which he eventually realized were actually seven ...
€9.50 excl tax

Awakening Astrology

€11.80 excl tax

Discovery Tarot Path

The Tarot has been a potent tool for divination and self-examination for hundreds of years. Now, in this exciting new book, Stephanie Leon Neal, founder of the Global Tarot Association, shares her own unique method for soul exploration and transformation using the beloved and time-tested Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck. Under Neal's guidance, you will learn: ...
€9.40 excl tax

Healing ancestral karma - free yourself from unhealthy family patterns

Uncover Your Family's Past and Create a Better Future Has your family gone through the same trials and tribulations generation after generation? Do you feel fated to continue that trend? If so, it's possible you've inherited the karma of your family members. The good news is that you can break the cycle. Renowned author, soul healer, and shamanic practitioner Dr.
€10.50 excl tax

Mastery of self - a toltec guide to personal freedom

The ancient Toltecs believed that life, as we perceive it, is a dream. We each live in our own personal dream and all of our dreams come together to make the Dream of the Planet. Problems arise when we forget that the dream is just a dream and, thus, fall victim to believing that we have no control over it.
€7.50 excl tax


While at university in the early 1990s, Chris Niebauer began to notice striking parallels between the latest discoveries in psychology, neuroscience and the teachings of Buddhism, Taoism and other schools of Eastern thought. When he presented his findings to a professor, his ideas were quickly dismissed as “pure coincidence, nothing more.
€11.10 excl tax

Messages from the Ancestors Oracle Cards

In this powerful set of oracle cards, Dr. Steven Farmer has given you the keys to tapping that vast wisdom and guidance. Each of the 44 cards in the Messages from the Ancestors Oracle Cards has the power to awaken hidden untapped potential within you, helping you find your own answers to life's most persistent questions.
€13.90 excl tax

Your Spacious Self: Clear the Clutter and Discover Who You Are

This is a fantastic book that is simple, practical and incredibly soothing. The author's premise is that particularly in this time (a time when are lives seem to be lived at warp speed, a time when we are bombarded with unending tasks and choices, a time of psychological and economic dislocation), it is time to slow down, clear a space for oneself.
€10.80 excl tax

Wisdom Of The Shamans

For generation after generation, Toltec shamans have passed down their wisdom through teaching stories. The purpose of these stories is to implant a seed of knowledge in the mind of the listener, where it can ultimately sprout and blossom into a new and better way of life.
€10.50 excl tax

Shamanic Power Animals

This book combines two elements to make it an indispensable guide to shamanic wisdom and the ultimate handbook to power animals. Shamanism assumes that every one of the earth's nonhuman inhabitants—or power animals—has something to teach us. This is the essential guide to power animals' wisdom. Among the topics covered are: ...
€13.90 excl tax

Understanding human design - the new science of astrology: discover who you

This is a revolutionary book that explains in simple and direct language the basic principles and uses of the Human Design astrological system. The system, created in the mid-20th century by the late spiritual teacher, Ra Uru Hu, is an astonishingly accurate personality guide that helps you understand your unique personality type.
€13.30 excl tax

Warrior Goddess Wisdom : Daily Inspiration for Women

In WARRIOR GODDESS WISDOM, the best-selling author of the Warrior Goddess series builds on the essential teachings of her previous books by offering a carefully selected package of daily inspirations.
€8.50 excl tax

Inner Peace, Outer Power

€9.50 excl tax

Creative Cure

“I'm just not that creative” is a common refrain in today's society. But according to author and creative coach Jacob Nordby, nothing could be further from the truth. Every human being is creative, and having a regular creative practice is a vital key to a happy and fulfilling life. If we don't exercise our creativity regularly, our lives can feel dull, stagnant, and rote.
€9.50 excl tax