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Inner Traditions

Started back in 1975 in a small office in New York City, Inner Traditions • Bear & Company now has 13 imprints and, as of 2022, more than 2,000 titles in print across a wide and eclectic range of subjects. The company is considered one of the largest and oldest publishing houses in the world devoted exclusively to the subjects of spirituality, esotericism, and alternative health and healing.

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Infernal Geometry And The Left-Hand Path

Revealing the magical uses of number and geometry as tools for introspection, self-development and creating change in both the inner and outer worlds, Toby Chappell explores the rites, history and potent practices of Angular Magic and Infernal Geometry, the Left-Hand Path of Sacred Geometry.
€13.70 excl tax

Cannabis Healing

€10.90 excl tax

Magian Tarok

The Tarot is a mythic map of the world and of consciousness. It offers a meta-language of signs and symbols that communicate their meaning precisely. Yet the true origins of the Tarot remain shrouded in mystery. These oracular cards have long been thought to have come from Egypt or from the “Gypsies,” but as Stephen E.
€9.40 excl tax


Passed down through generations, the Slavic practice of magic, witchcraft and sorcery is still alive and well in Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus, as well as the Balkans and the Baltic states. There are still witches who whisper upon tied knots to curse or heal, sorceresses who shapeshift into animals or household objects, magicians who cast spells for love or good fortune and common folk who seek ...
€9.40 excl tax

Operative Witchcraft

In this practical guide, Nigel Pennick takes the reader on a journey through the practice of operative witchcraft in the British Isles from the Middle Ages and the Elizabethan era to the decriminalisation of witchcraft in the 1950s and its practice today.
€9.40 excl tax

Yoni Egg

€10.90 excl tax

Magic In The Landscape : Earth Mysteries & Geomancy

Our ancestors were deeply aware of the magical power of their local landscape, no matter where they lived. Every interaction with their environment from building to farming to the layout of ancient cities took into account terrestrial energies, ancestral memory and the many seen and unseen presences in Nature.
€9.40 excl tax

Russian Black Magic

Born in the Soviet Union and descended from a matrilineal line of witches, Natasha Helvin offers a rare look into the secret practices of Russian black magic, passed down from teacher to disciple for generations, both orally and through their grimoires bound in black.
€9.40 excl tax

Emotional Intuition For Peak Performance

Integrating the wisdom of the ancient sages with modern science, Jason Gregory explains how world-class artists and athletes reach peak performance and how you, too, can harness this “lifestyle technology” to make your actions effortless, enjoy intelligent spontaneity, and reach optimal performance at a peak level.
€9.40 excl tax

Mysterious Life And Faked Death Of Jesse James

The story of the notorious outlaw Jesse James's assassination at the hands of Robert Ford has been clouded with mystery ever since its inception. Now, James's great-great-grandchildren Daniel and Teresa Duke present the results of more than 20 years of exhaustive research into state and federal records, photographs, newspaper reports, diaries and a 1995 DNA test in search of the truth behind ...
€9.40 excl tax

Fall Of Spirituality

Written two years before his most prominent book Revolt Against the Modern World, Julius Evola's THE FALL OF SPIRITUALITY was originally published in Italian as Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo (The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism).
€18.10 excl tax

Last Refuge Of The Knights Templar

Centred on recently discovered, authenticated correspondence between two famous 19th-century Masonic leaders, Confederate General Albert Pike and British Colonel James Wilson Bury MacLeod Moore, this modern-day thriller follows Thomas, a direct descendant of Col.
€12.30 excl tax

Hermetic Herbalism : The Art of Extracting Spagyric Essences

First published in French in 1911, this practical guide to the art of spagyrics begins by outlining the ancient yet often forgotten Hermetic foundations of herbalism. Author Jean Mavéric provides botanical and medicinal classifications of over 600 plant species along with an in-depth study of their astral natures, elemental qualities, and planetary and zodiacal signatures as well as practical ...
€12.30 excl tax

Scripting The Life You Want

In this step-by-step guide, filled with success stories and practical exercises, Royce Christyn details a simple scripting process for harnessing the Law of Attraction and manifesting what you want in your life--happiness, wealth, travel, love, health, the perfect career, or simply a productive day. The process is backed by science and experience, yet it feels like magic.
€9.40 excl tax

Druidic Art Of Divination

In this practical guide, Jon G. Hughes shares ancient secret Druidic techniques of divination passed down to him across five generations in an unbroken lineage of influential Welsh Druids. Hughes explains the three forms of divination used by his tradition: ...
€10.90 excl tax

Primal Wisdom Of The Ancients

Exploring the mystery of why so many ancient cultures, separated by time and distance, share remarkably similar cosmological philosophies and religious symbolism, Laird Scranton reveals how this shared creation tradition upholds the idea that ancient instruction gave birth to the great civilizations, each of which preserves fragments of the original knowledge.
€9.40 excl tax

Pagan Book Of The Dead

€13.70 excl tax

Body Clock In Traditional Chinese Medicine

All of our organs are energetically interconnected. They each have regular rest and active cycles throughout the day, with different organs becoming dominant at different hours. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this is known as the Organ Body Clock.
€9.40 excl tax