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Inner Traditions

Started back in 1975 in a small office in New York City, Inner Traditions • Bear & Company now has 13 imprints and, as of 2022, more than 2,000 titles in print across a wide and eclectic range of subjects. The company is considered one of the largest and oldest publishing houses in the world devoted exclusively to the subjects of spirituality, esotericism, and alternative health and healing.

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Autobiography Of A Sadhu: A Journey Into Mystic India

After travelling at age 18 from his native California to India in 1969, Rampuri was drawn to the Naga Babas, an ancient and wild order of naked yogis whom he calls the “Hell's Angels of Indian Spirituality.” Organized into a sect by Adi Shankara in the 5th century BC, the Naga Babas see themselves as the ultimate protectors of the Sanatan Dharma, or what we call the Hindu religion.
€11.60 excl tax

Secret History Of Vampires: Their Multiple Forms & Hidden Purposes

Of all forms taken by the undead, the vampire wields the most powerful pull on the modern imagination. But the countless movies and books inspired by this child of the night who has a predilection for human blood are based on incidents recorded as fact in newspapers and judicial archives in the centuries preceding the works of Bram Stoker and other writers.
€10.80 excl tax

Basic Practices Of Universal Healing Tao : An Illustrated Guide to Levels 1 through 6

· Organised by level and chi kung system for quick reference during practice or teaching · Includes 220 exercises from more than 20 of Master Chia's practice systems, including the Inner Smile, the Six Healing Sounds, the Microcosmic orbit, Chi Self-Massage, Cosmic Detox and Iron Shirt Chi kung · Covers all of the basic exercises in the Universal Tao's first 6 levels ...
€15.20 excl tax

Psychomagic - the transformative power of shamanic psychotherapy

PSYCHOMAGIC presents the shamanic and genealogical principles Jodorowsky discovered to create a healing therapy that could use the powers of dreams, art and theatre to empower individuals to heal wounds that in some cases had travelled through generations.
€15.20 excl tax

Ayahuasca visions of pablo amaringo

Pablo Amaringo's stunning art was inspired by shamanic visions. A master communicator of the ayahuasca experience, Amaringo's work is a doorway into a transcendent world.
€25.30 excl tax

Complete tao te ching with the four canons of the yellow emperor

In 1973, in Mawangdui, China, a large number of silk manuscripts were discovered at an early Han burial place. Among these were two versions of the Tao Te Ching by Lao-tzu. Dated to around 200 BCE, these manuscripts were much older than all existing versions and included, quite surprisingly yet deliberately, the Four Canons of the Yellow Emperor - a long-lost treatise never-before seen in modern ...
€13.70 excl tax

Science And The Near-Death Experience: How Consciousness Survives Death

Predating all organised religion, the belief in an afterlife is fundamental to the human experience and dates back at least to the Neanderthals. By the mid-19th century, however, spurred by the progress of science, many people began to question the existence of an afterlife and the doctrine of materialism - which believes that consciousness is a creation of the brain - began to spread.
€12.30 excl tax

Decoding The Enochian Secrets: God's Most Holy Book To Mankind As Received By Dr. John Dee From Ange

Originally considered a vital part of inspirational literature used by the early church, the Book of Enoch never made it into the cannon or accepted books of the Old Testament because of its strange and mysterious content about Enoch's experiences in the higher realms or heavens.
€13.70 excl tax

Qabbalistic Magic: Talismans, Psalms, Amulets & The Practice Of High Ritual

The Qabbalah - the Jewish esoteric tradition - is richly woven with magical practices, from amulets and magic bowls to invocations and magical use of psalms. In this comprehensive and practical guide to Qabbalistic magic, Salomo Baal-Shem explains how to authentically perform rituals from the Qabbalistic tradition.
€18.10 excl tax

Slow sex - the path to fulfilling and sustainable sexuality

Exploring the healing, spiritual power of slow sex, this book offers a step-by-step guide for committed couples to transform sex into a meditative, loving union of complementary energies.
€9.40 excl tax

Taoist Shaman: Practices From The Wheel Of Life

Thousands of years ago the immortals, known as the Shining Ones, shipwrecked on the Chinese coast. Passing their shamanic practices - such as ecstatic flight and how to find power animals and spirit guides - on to the indigenous people, they, also, taught them the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel.
€12.30 excl tax

Sanctuary Of The Divine Presence: Hebraic Teachings On Initiation & Illumination

This book of Kabbalistic initiatory teachings reveals how the practitioner may become a vessel for illumination, prophecy, and peace by creating an inner dwelling place for God's divine presence.
€7.90 excl tax

Net of being

· Includes over 200 reproductions of Grey's artwork, including many never-before-reproduced paintings · Contains spectacular photos of Grey's collaboration with the cult band TOOL plus his worldwide live-painting performances · Offers Grey's reflections on how art evolves consciousness with a new symbology of the Networked Self Revealing the interwoven energies of body ...
€25.30 excl tax

Cosmological origins of myth and symbol - from the dogon and ancient egypt

Great thinkers and researchers such as Carl Jung have acknowledged the many broad similarities that exist between the myths and symbols of ancient cultures. One largely unexplored explanation for these similarities lies in the possibility that these systems of myth all descended from one common cosmological plan.
€11.60 excl tax

Complete i ching - 10th anniversary edition - the definitive translation by

Translated by the eminent Taoist Master Alfred Huang, THE COMPLETE I CHING has been praised by scholars and new students of the I Ching since its first edition. A native Chinese speaker, Master Huang first translated the original ideograms of the I Ching into contemporary Chinese and then into English, bringing forth the intuitive meanings embodied in the images of the I Ching and imbuing his ...
€18.80 excl tax

Complete i ching - 10th anniversary edition - the definitive translation by

Translated by the eminent Taoist Master Alfred Huang, THE COMPLETE I CHING has been praised by scholars and new students of the I Ching since its first edition. A native Chinese speaker, Master Huang first translated the original ideograms of the I Ching into contemporary Chinese and then into English, bringing forth the intuitive meanings embodied in the images of the I Ching and imbuing his ...
€12.30 excl tax

Power Crystals : Spiritual and Magical Practices, Crystal Skulls, and Alien Technology

· Explores the use of crystals throughout history, including their role in Atlantis and in alien technology · Offers step-by-step instructions to successfully use crystals in scrying, meditation and Enochian magic · Includes never-before-published scientific findings on the author's crystal skull as well as other crystal skulls researched at the British Museum · Explains how the Space-Time ...
€10.80 excl tax

Moon Phase Astrology: The Lunar Key To Your Destiny

Through its 8 phases and its journey through the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the Moon's influence on our lives can play out in 96 different ways.
€13.00 excl tax

Barbarian Rites: The Spiritual World Of The Vikings & The Germanic Tribes (O)

The "barbarians" of ancient Europe had a system of social classes and familial clans with complex spiritual customs, rites of passage, black magic practices and shamanic ecstatic states.
€10.80 excl tax

Science and the afterlife experience - evidence for the immortality of cons

· Examines 125 years of scientific research into reincarnation, apparitions and communication with the dead showing these phenomena are real · Reveals the existence of higher planes of consciousness where the souls of the dead can choose to advance or manifest once again on earth · Explains how these findings have been ignored and denied because they are ...
€13.70 excl tax