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Inner Traditions

Started back in 1975 in a small office in New York City, Inner Traditions • Bear & Company now has 13 imprints and, as of 2022, more than 2,000 titles in print across a wide and eclectic range of subjects. The company is considered one of the largest and oldest publishing houses in the world devoted exclusively to the subjects of spirituality, esotericism, and alternative health and healing.

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Heart Of Asia : Memoirs from the Himalayas

Roerich recounts his journeys to more than fifty monasteries and his meetings with lamas eager to share their spiritual insights and heritage with the Western world. Included are dramatic episodes of snow blindness, mountain floods, and mysterious electrical phenomena, as well as intimate depictions of daily life in the rigorous yet beautiful Himalayan environment.
€7.50 excl tax

Phoenix Cards: Reading & Interpreting Past-Life Influences (

This book and deck provide an important key to past life recall. Each of the 28 images is a visual representation of a particular world culture that will bring into focus the times and places of previous incarnations.
€15.70 excl tax

Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art Of Alex Grey (O)

This unique series of paintings takes the viewer on a graphic, visionary journey through the physical, metaphysical, and spiritual anatomy of the self. From anatomically correct rendering of the body systems, Grey moves to the spiritual/energetic systems with such images as "Universal Mind Lattice," envisioning the sacred and esoteric symbolism of the body and the forces that define its living ...
€15.00 excl tax

New Orleans Voodoo Tarot (Book & 78-Card Deck)

The first tarot to celebrate an African-American culture, this book and 79-card deck capture both the spirit and the imagery of Voodoo's African, West Indian, and Catholic influences. Ancient and earth-honoring, Voodoo's practices take on different forms specific to time and place, but its essence remains focused on the loa--the potent spiritual forces of Voodoo that are manifested directly ...
€18.10 excl tax

Opening Of The Way: Practical Guide To The Wisdom Of Ancient

Here, the author of the two Her-Bak novels provides specific tools that instruct in the comprehension and application of those teachings, and help us recognise that it is by the path of silence and meditation that we are guided to the intelligence of the heart, which is our key to self-mastery and our connection to higher consciousness.
€9.40 excl tax

Cosmic Tribe Tarot (Book With 90 B&W Illustrations; 80 Card,

Synthesizing classic archetypal imagery with state-of-the-art electronic wizardry, Stevee Postman has created a deck that maps the modern psyche like no other before.
€18.10 excl tax

Essence Of Yoga:...The Development Of Yogic Philosophy From

This collection of essays by two renowned yoga scholars explores the development of yogic thought across the ages.
€8.70 excl tax

Heart of yoga - developing personal practice

face of yoga in the West. Now Krishnamacharya's son, himself a renowned teacher, talks about his father's unique vision of yoga.
€12.30 excl tax

Modern guide to witchcraft - your complete guide to witches, covens, and sp

Unlock your powers... Looking for an enchanting love potion? Want to create your own sacred space and promote good energy? The Modern Guide to Witchcraft helps you harness your own inner power so you can shape your destiny. With the help of spellcraft expert Skye Alexander, you'll tap into your own magic and create incantations, potions, and charms.
€10.10 excl tax

Modern witchcraft grimoire - your complete guide to creating your own book

Discover the Power of the Grimoire! A grimoire records your personal journey through the world of magick. It's where you record your favourite spells, chronicle your magical developments and keep your most treasured secrets. And now, Skye Alexander, spell-craft expert and author of The Modern Guide to Witchcraft, teaches you how to create your own.
€10.10 excl tax

Modern witchcraft book of natural magick - your guide to crafting charms, r

The magic of witchcraft never dies. Harness the power of nature-based magick, including herbal charms and remedies, cleansing rituals, crystal healing, astrology, and more with this new guide in the popular Modern Witchcraft series—perfect for millennials.
€9.40 excl tax

Your Complete Vegan Pregnancy

Being a vegan mother not only means you have to worry about getting the right nutrients for your own body, but for your growing baby as well. The benefits of a vegan diet can be passed down to your baby by following a healthy, well-rounded diet that incorporates the proper nutrients and minerals.
€7.90 excl tax

Sacred Network: Megaliths, Cathedrals, Ley Lines & The Power Of Shared Consciousness

First marked by the standing stones of our megalithic ancestors, the world's sacred sites are not only places of spiritual energy, but, also, hubs of cosmic energy and earthly energy. Generation upon generation has recognised the power of these sites, with the result that each dominant culture builds their religious structures on the same spots - the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, for example, ...
€16.90 excl tax

Modern Witchcraft Guide To Fairies

Fairies have long been a part of witchcraft traditions, especially Celtic and Norse witchcraft, paganism, and other traditions deeply tied to the earth. But these fairies aren't the harmless creatures you've read about in children's tales: they are magical creatures with their own culture and rules that you need to know before venturing into their territory.
€9.40 excl tax

Hermetic Marriage Of Art And Alchemy

In this initiatory guide to the hermetic art of alchemy, artist Marlene Seven Bremner reveals how the alchemical opus, the Great Work, offers a practical means for liberating the authentic creator within and attaining gnosis, or true self-knowledge.
€18.80 excl tax

Story Of Gaia

Exploring our emergence as self-aware members of a planetary home and entire Universe that is a unified and innately sentient entity, Jude Currivan, Ph.D., shows that mind and consciousness are not what we possess but what we and the whole world fundamentally are.
€12.30 excl tax

The Pride of Dragons Oracle

A hands-on tool to connect with the celestial wisdom of Dragons
• Shares channeled wisdom and guidance for inner spiritual work and soul development from 44 individual Dragons
• Includes 44 full-color cards, each designed to allow instant connection with the celestial energies of the Dragons for self-development and spiritual growth
• Explains how to use the cards and apply ...
€10.20 excl tax

Water Alchemy Oracle

Water is the most sacred element on our planet. It is everywhere, within us and around us, and without it there can be no life. As a spiritual element, water is closely linked with our emotional world and the powers of intuition as well as being aligned with divine feminine wisdom.
€14.50 excl tax

Magdalene Manifestation Cards

As Danielle Rama Hoffman reveals, each one of us has the ability to receive more, to manifest abundance in all areas of life, without sacrificing and without doing more and more and more. It is time to cast aside lack-based consciousness--and the energy of overworking, overdoing, and overthinking that goes with it--and embrace the art of feminine manifestation based on love, receptivity, and ...
€15.10 excl tax

Modern witchcraft guide to the wheel of the year - from samhain to yule, yo

In THE MODERN WITCHCRAFT GUIDE TO THE WHEEL OF THE YEAR, you'll learn about the most celebrated days in the Wheel of the Year - Samhain, the end of the harvest season; Yule, the celebration of the New Year; Imbolc, the celebration of rebirth; Ostara, the arrival of Spring; Beltane, the celebration of Earth's fertility; Litha, the song of the summer; Lughnasad, the halfway point between Summer and ...
€9.40 excl tax