Starman Tarot is a highly innovative and dynamic rendition – evolution - of the ancient Tarot System.
Through powerful archetypes and mesmerizing dreamscapes - the deck speaks powerfully and directly about the turbulent times we are currently facing, and opens a portal to a vivid and miraculous future.
Step into the phenomenal world of night fairies with this wall calendar by renowned artist Paolo Barbieri. These sumptuous illustrations transport you into a realm of wonder where fairies welcome you with radiant magic and energy. Every month's unique imagery will inspire you to channel the strength and curiosity of fairies in your everyday life.
Explore the many uses of these velvet cloths from Lo Scarabeo, featuring embroidered symbols from various traditions, these multi-purpose cloths are ideal for altars, divination practise, ritual, meditation, and home decoration. Cloths measure 80 x 80 cms
Explore the many uses of these velvet cloths from Lo Scarabeo, featuring embroidered symbols from various traditions, these multi-purpose cloths are ideal for altars, divination practice, ritual, meditation, and home decoration. Cloths measure 80 x 80 cms
These Divinatory Shells by Lo Scarabeo will help you bring higher guidance and advise into your life and transport knowledge to the surface information that is hidden or not immediately obvious to us. This pack contains 16 Divinatory Shells, a Pouch & booklet contained in a magnetic box.
The Sibille developed between the 1700's and the 1800's, parallel to the Tarot. They have their own unique divinatory techniques. The Sibilla Oracle is one of the most popular decks used and is practically unchanged from its historical form. The simplicity and poetry of the images and the judgment printed on the cards make these some of the most intuitive and meaningful cards that exist today.
This handsome velvet bag from Lo Scarabeo provides an attractive way to safely store and protect your valuable decks. This bag is big enough to hold two standard size (2.6 x 4.7 inches) decks.