Thirty awesome images, among them a flying dragon with three heads; the Leviathan, an enormous sea monster; and a real dragon, the Komodo, one of the world's largest living reptiles.
Create your own graphic novel and comic book characters with this practical and inspiring guide, with step-by-step exercises and practice pages. In this stylishly packaged, full-color book you'll find everything you need bring your stories to life, from creating characters, to making a storyboard and coloring in with inks.
The Danish are often said to be the happiest people in the world - could hygge be the key? Find that hygge feeling with this collection of over 160 cozy puzzles and heart-warming quotes.
The launch of a new partnership with animation giant Studio Ghibli. This season we publish 2 plush journals, a postcard set, and pop-up notecards, all focusing on the Studio's beloved film My Neighbor Totoro. Just in time to celebrate Totoro's 30th anniversary in 2018.
Bestselling line! Marimekko-one of the world's first lifestyle brands (and still one of its best)-returns with a new notebook collection featuring three gorgeous designs from its Weather Diary series.