Discover the folklore and history of our most toxic plants through this beautifully produced, gorgeously illustrated compendium. “If you drink much from a bottle marked ‘poison,’ it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later.
Inspired by ancient rituals and stories of sacred animal spirits, White Numen: A Sacred Animal Tarot forms a path to human reconnection with the natural world and spiritual realm. Sacred animal spirits (Numen) are interwoven into the classical imagery of the tarot to create stunning cards that are both otherworldly and yet highly contemporary.
With a soft color palette that gently warms the heart, The Luna Sol Tarot will wrap your intuition in a positive embrace. The Luna Sol makes space for everyone. In these cards you will find humans of all races and ages, shapes and sizes: a reflection of our beautifully diverse world.
The New Chapter Tarot is a story, a self-portrait of change. Faced with the realization that her relationship was coming to an end, Kathryn Briggs' entire life was at an either/or moment. "Arting through" her problems, Kathryn painted tarot cards as feelings arose and presented themselves to be dealt with. This completed deck represents a new life, a circle of Hope and Friendship and Love.
The cycle of sowing and harvest is one that we see reflected around us every day . . . there are times for productivity and there are times for rest. The Seed and the Sickle Oracle deck is designed to encourage reflection on both. Each card carries two meanings; one for times when moving forward is important, and one to help cultivate your own well-being.
A tarot deck inspired by the iconic vintage cartoons of the 1930s. If you love Betty Boop, Steamboat Willie, and rubber-hose animation, this is the deck for you! A delightful take on an ancient tradition, Mystical Medleys brings a bit of lighthearted fun and playful energy to the tarot. It’s ideal for occultists of all varieties, animation and cinema buffs, and lovers of all things vintage!