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Experience Your Good Now!

€8.50 excl tax

The Reconnection

€11.20 excl tax

Life After Near Death : Miraculous Stories of Healing and Transformation in the Extraordinary Lives of People With Newfound Powers

LIFE AFTER NEAR DEATH is the only book to explore the deeper meaning of the near-death experience (NDE) through the prism of its miraculous after effects. You don't need to be declared clinically dead to experience an NDE.
€9.30 excl tax

Relieve chronic pain - a life-changing drug-free approach for relief, recov

CONQUER YOUR CHRONIC PAIN offers the millions of chronic-pain sufferers throughout the world a transformative model for pain management. Dr Abaci is a pioneer in understanding the biopsychosocial aspect of chronic pain and patients' demand for a more holistic and personal approach to pain management.
€9.80 excl tax

3 Dimensions Of Emotions : Finding the Balance of Power, Heart, and Mindfulness in All Your Relationships

Just as there are three dimensions of the physical world (height, width and depth), there are three dimensions of the interpersonal world - power, love and mindfulness. How well we learn to navigate them directly corresponds to how well we live our lives, how happy and fulfilled we feel. Human reactivity is the source of most of our interpersonal problems and pain.
€8.80 excl tax

Immortality of the gods - legends, mysteries, and the alien connection to e

Each of us is alive for a very limited time. Or are we? What if we could live, not just for a century, but for millennia? What if there was a way for us to be immortal? Is such a thing even remotely possible? It may not only be feasible - it may very well have been achieved in the distant past.
€10.40 excl tax

One Voice, Sacred Wisdom : Revealing Answers to Some of Life’s Greatest Mysteries from Your Guides, Spirits and Angels

Why are we here on this planet? What happens when we die? Is there such a thing as karma? Is there an afterlife? Is there a secret to healing the physical body? Those were the mysteries James Schwartz set out to answer in ONE VOICE, SACRED WISDOM, a ground-breaking exploration of spiritual questions we have all pondered.
€9.30 excl tax

Cover-up at roswell - exposing the 70-year conspiracy to suppress the truth

As we approach the 70th anniversary of the most significant UFO event of all time, best-selling author, Donald R. Schmitt, takes a fresh look at the renowned incident. Previous books on Roswell, including his, have focused on the witnesses, their families and the history of the case. COVER-UP AT ROSWELL catalogues the extreme measures the U.S. Government exercised to suppress the truth.
€10.40 excl tax

Ghost studies - new perspectives on the origins of paranormal experiences

You've just lain down for the night when suddenly doors slam and the curtains shift. The lights begin to flicker and a white mist forms in front of you. You shut your eyes and keep muttering, “ghosts aren't real.” But then you open your eyes and realise that “harmless” mist has shifted into the form of a man, staring intensely at you, as he floats above your bed.
€8.80 excl tax

Secret Language Of Spirit : Understanding Spirit Communication in Our Everyday Lives

THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF SPIRIT is the culmination of award-winning author and psychic medium, William Stillman's, wisdom and insights in a fascinating exploration of the sometimes blatant, sometimes hidden spiritual symbolism in our everyday lives.
€8.20 excl tax

11:11 The Time Prompt Phenomenon New Edition

Do you wake up every night and see 11:11 on the clock? Or 3:33? 4:44? Does the same number sequence seem to appear throughout your life over and over? Did you know that millions of people all over the world experience the same phenomenon?
€9.30 excl tax

Exogenesis: Hybrid Humans

EXOGENESIS: HYBRID HUMANS offers a deep dive into the strongest ever scientific evidence that supports the popular belief that Earth has been visited in prehistory, but goes even further, concluding that there is also compelling evidence of alien involvement with the human genome.
€9.30 excl tax

Little Book Of Prosperity

This small book provides a blueprint for a life beyond your wildest dreams. It is a primer for achieving wealth, loaded with the most salient prosperity wisdom of the last hundred years. The content is further enhanced by thoughtful exercises that will help readers in their personal success journeys.
€9.30 excl tax

Energy Healer's Book Of Dying

Written by a highly skilled intuitive energy worker, this compassionate guide reveals what is happening energetically during the transition back to spirit and details how to provide support in any phase of losing a loved one: before death, during the dying process and afterward.
€9.30 excl tax

Body Clock In Traditional Chinese Medicine

All of our organs are energetically interconnected. They each have regular rest and active cycles throughout the day, with different organs becoming dominant at different hours. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this is known as the Organ Body Clock.
€9.30 excl tax

Finding Your Elven

€9.30 excl tax

Encyclopedia Of Ailments And Diseases

What if your body used a secret language to talk to you? What if an ailment or illness was your body's way to shout for help, to make you understand that you need to change your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and behaviours?
€17.90 excl tax

Crazy Wisdom Of The Yogini

In 1975, in an isolated Himalayan forest, Daniel Odier met Lalita Devi, a Tantric yogini who took him on a mystical journey beyond the limits of sexual experience to transcend the ego, recognize the true self, and rediscover the Divine nature of absolute love.
€9.30 excl tax