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Numerology and the divine triangle

At last a truly comprehensive and authoritative text on numerology! Part I is a complete introduction to esoteric numerology.

Book Four

This book is the introduction, the foundation upon which all further magical work will be based. Its simplicity, clarity and depth is without equal occult literature. The First part of Book Four deals with Yoga in a very sound and methodical manner, stripping it of the mysterious and glitter.

Therapeutic Touch: How To Use Your Hands To Help Or To Heal

Whether it be to relieve a headache, calm a muscle spasm, soothe a crying baby, or alleviate your own abdominal cramps.

Astrology, Psychology And The Four Elements

ASTROLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND THE FOUR ELEMENTS, a recognized classic in modern astrology, is truly a pioneering book in the field of astrology. It establishes a new science of astrological psychology. Arroyo presents a language of energy that has enabled astrology to be widely and reliably used in the helping professions as well as by the general public.

Book of Pagan Rituals

This collection of rituals, practices, and exercises has been drawn from many sources; some have been preserved in their original state, and some rituals have been updated by scholars from various pagan groups. This deluxe one-volume edition has been specially designed to be read by candlelight.

Dossier On Ascension: The Story Of The Soul's Acceleration I

Dossier on the Ascension is a profound look into the life of the soul, her purpose and destiny. Serapis Bey shows that the soul's reunion with God through the ascension is the goal of life for all. He gives practical keys for spiritual growth that can lead to the attainment of the ascension. The author answers the ultimate questions about life after death.

Exploring The Great Beyond

Theosophist and international lecturer Farthing takes us on an exciting journey to inner and outer space. Topics include astral light, magic, mesmerism, the inexplicable finding of lost articles, telepathy, spiritualism, psychism, and other extraordinary issues.

Book of the law

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." This oft-misunderstood phrase, which forms the basis for Crowley's practice of Magick, is found in The Book of the Law. Dictated to Crowley in Cairo between noon and 1 pm on three success days in April 1904, the Book of the Law is the source book and key for Crowley students and for the occult in general.

First and Last Freedom, The

Krishnamurti is a leading spiritual teacher of our century. In The First and Last Freedom he cuts away symbols and false associations in the search for pure truth and perfect freedom.

Art Of Inner Listening : Liberate Your Undreamed-of Potential — and Re-create Your Life!

Here is a key to personal revolution, a remarkable guide to discovering and exploiting your own creative birthright. The author has written a helpful, hopeful book about her own experience with self-awakening -- how it happened, and the steps in this new and absorbing quest.