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Mystical experience

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€10.70 excl tax

Unconditioned Mind : J. Krishnamurti and the Oak Grove School

“Like an iridescent diamond,” is how David Moody describes revered philosopher, Jiddu Krishnamurti, in this intimate portrait of him at the Oak Grove School in California. Krishnamurti, once groomed by Theosophists to become the next World Teacher, founded the school in 1975 and personally oversaw it for the last decade of his life.
€13.60 excl tax

Growing Into God: A Beginner's Guide to Christian Mysticism

For many people, the word mysticism conjures up occult, secretive rituals held after midnight in some dark cave. But true mysticism isn't at all sinister or secretive, says author John Mabry, an Anglican-rite Congregational minister. In fact, mysticism is at the heart of an authentic Christian life.
€9.80 excl tax

Spiritual unfoldment

The subjects in this book include training in clairvoyance (clear seeing of the true spirit of the person), meditation, right living, healing and learning about the great laws of life (e.g. reincarnation and karma). The book makes a very important contribution to understanding and living in today's world while staying attuned to the subtler vibrations of life.
€4.60 excl tax

Rumis little book of love and laughter - teaching stories and fables

Rowdy, ecstatic and sometimes stern, these teaching stories and fables reveal new and very human properties in Rumi's vision. Included here are the notorious “Latin parts” that Reynold Nicholson felt were too unseemly to appear in English in his 1920s translation. For Rumi, anything that human beings do - however compulsive - affords a glimpse into the inner life.
€7.30 excl tax

Son Of Man: The Mystical Path To Christ

Named one of the Best Books of 1998 by Publishers Weekly, here is the seminal work on the Christ of the early mystics and saints by the bestselling author of Hidden Journey and coauthor of the classic The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. "A grenade tossed into the complacencies of Christianity. A radical challenge to re-vision the nature of Jesus and the message he brought."--Larry Dossey, M.
€12.60 excl tax

Cabalah Primer: Introduction To English/Hebrew Cabalah

Because Cabalah contains the Universal Laws of God, it teaches us how to connect to a direct experience of the upper worlds, giving us a more complete sense of wholeness and balance. CABALAH PRIMER, with its aspects of English, Hebrew, Tarot, and Sacred Geometry, can help interpret and formulate this wisdom so that it can be of practical value.
€11.40 excl tax

Awake In The Cosmic Dream: An Informal Talk By Paramahansa Yogananda, Collector's Series No.2 (Cd)

This talk was recorded in 1952 at the Self-Realization Fellowship headquarters in Los Angeles, on the occasion of Paramahansa Yogananda's birthday – just two months before his passing. In this spontaneous outpouring of his heart, Yogananda touches on the entire spectrum of spiritual living.
€11.30 excl tax


€8.40 excl tax

Jewish Meditation

€8.90 excl tax

Gifts Of The Lotus : A Book of Daily Meditations

Here are three-hundred and sixty-six meditations-one for each day of the year-each from the heart of a spiritually oriented philosopher from Plato to Emerson to Sri Aurobindo to a host of theosophical students and scholars. Inside of this miniature Quest book is a complete philosophy for living; quiet, short, engaging thoughts, each alive with the spirit of being.
€4.10 excl tax

Art Of Spiritual Warfare : A Guide to Lasting Inner Peace Based on Sun Tsu's The Art of War

Nowadays, people search Sun Tsu's ancient war manual for business strategies. Going deeper, Grant Schnarr finds how to defeat our true enemy- our own negativity. Read by rock stars and military generals, here are brilliant tactics for enlisting higher powers, outwitting self-destruction, and championing integrity and love.
€8.20 excl tax

Sophia - New Revised Edition : Goddess of Wisdom, Bride of God

Anyone interested in the feminine face of God throughout the ages will find Sophia an illuminating experience. Caitlin Matthews' scholarship connects us to past, present, and future in the very depths of our femininity. ----Marion Woodman, Jungian analyst and author of Bone: Dying into Life.
€11.90 excl tax

Golden Thread: The Ageless Wisdom Of The Western Mystery Traditions

In this concise survey, Godwin identifies the great movers and shakers of the Western Mystery Tradition, providing a brief history and description of each.
€9.20 excl tax

Soul of Light: Works of Illumination

The visionary art of Portuguese artist, Joma Sipe, is all about light - not the ordinary light of day but the light of spiritual illumination, which brilliantly radiates from the over one hundred, full-colour images in this stunning book. Sipe thinks of his work as sacred geometry that unites this temporal world with higher planes.
€14.70 excl tax

Be A Smile Millionaire: An Informal Talk By Paramahansa Yogananda (Cd)

Paramahansa Yogananda speaks of the inner joy of the soul and how we can live in such a way that our outer lives reflect and radiate all the beautiful and noble qualities that give expression to that joy. Paramahansa Yogananda draws many colourful stories from his own life experiences to help us see that we do not have to acquire anything outside ourselves.
€11.30 excl tax

Reflections On The Unknowable

A distillation of over seventy years as a monastic and more than three decades of writing on centring prayer, REFLECTIONS ON THE UNKNOWABLE is Fr. Thomas Keating's latest volume on how we might develop our intimacy with God and our experience of the Christian contemplative tradition. The first part of the book consists of a long interview with Fr.
€8.20 excl tax