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Natural sciences

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Hermetic Code In Dna: The Sacred Principles In The Ordering Of The Universe

This book reveals distinct numerical patterns that connect ancient philosophies, religion, the harmonic ratios of music, and modern science.

Unknown Universe: The Origin Of The Universe, Quantum Gravity, Wormholes & Other Things Science Stil

Theoretical physicist Hammond (U. of North Carolina) explains some of the most perplexing concepts from contemporary theoretical physics to the general reader.

Secrets of antigravity propulsion - tesla, ufos, and classified aerospace t

A complete investigation of the development and suppression of antigravity and field propulsion technologies, including those capable of revolutionizing energy production. This book shows how NASA is part of a cover-up to block adoption of advanced technologies under military development.

Forbidden science - from ancient technologies to free energy

There is a war going on between the established scientific community and those who would explore new theories, realities, energy, and dynamics. J.

Dimensions of paradise - sacred geometry, ancient science, and the heavenly

The priests of ancient Egypt preserved a geometrical canon, a numerical code of harmonies and proportions, that they applied to music, art, statecraft and all the institutions of their civilisation. Plato, an initiate in the Egyptian mysteries, said it was the instrument by which the ancients maintained high, principled standards of civilisation and culture over thousands of years.

Spiritual Science Of The Stars : A Guide to the Architecture of the Spirit

Thousands of years before the first written records, humans were turning to the night sky as a source of meaning for existence and their place within it. The conclusions drawn from these observations are embodied in stories from across the world known as Creation Myths.

Field (The): The Quest For The Secret Force Of The Universe

Science has recently begun to prove what ancient myth and religion have always espoused: There may be such a thing as a life force.

Proust and the Squid

A remarkable tour de force by a world-renown neuroscientist explains that human beings were never born to read; this invention changed the very organization of man's brain and altered the intellectual evolution of the species.

The Female Brain

Since Dr. Brizendine wrote The Female Brain ten years ago, the response has been overwhelming. This New York Times bestseller has been translated into more than thirty languages, has sold nearly a million copies between editions, and has most recently inspired a romantic comedy starring Whitney Cummings and Sofia Vergara.

Science and the akashic field - an integral theory of everything revised 2

Mystics and sages have long maintained that there exists an interconnecting cosmic field at the roots of reality that conserves and conveys information, a field known as the Akashic record. Recent discoveries in vacuum physics show that this Akashic Field is real and has its equivalent in science's zero-point field that underlies space itself.

Mayan Code: Time Acceleration & Awakening The World Mind

Many researchers have investigated the science of time cycles by using the Mayan Calendar, which tracks the 5,125-year Long Count ending in the year 2012. History shows that civilizations suddenly appeared around 3115 B.C. in Egypt, India, and Sumer that used calendars based on systems similar to the Mayan Calendar, reflecting what was once a universal and sacred understanding of time.

Stairway To Heaven: Book Ii Of The Earth Chronicles (New Edition)

Since earliest times, human beings have pondered the incomprehensible questions of the universe, life . . . and the afterlife. Where did mortal man go to join the immortal Gods?

Twelfth Planet: Book I Of The Earth Chronicles (M) (New Edition)

Over the years, startling evidence has been uncovered, challenging established notions of the origins of life on Earth--evidence that suggests the existence of an advanced group of extraterrestrials who once inhabited our world. The first book of the revolutionary Earth Chronicles series offers indisputable documentary evidence of the existence of the mysterious planet Nibiru and tells why...

Math for mystics - from the fibonacci sequence to lunas labyrinth to the go

Much of math history comes to us from early astrologers who needed to be able to describe and record what they saw in the night sky. Whether you were the king's court astrologer or a farmer marking the best time for planting, timekeeping and numbers really mattered. Mistake a numerical pattern of petals and you could be poisoned.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

While cycling through the western states, a disillusioned American questions the meaning of existence after confronting the ghost of his former, uninstitutionalized self, in a new edition of the classic philosophical treatise on the art of living with quality. Reprint.