In this book the commonplace belief that enlightenment is only for saints comes apart at the seams. Anyone can be enlightened, and all we need to do is ask.
Award-winning creativity coach and therapist, Eric Maisel, offers the A Little Every Day Deck series to help readers develop a more centered, creative, intelligent life. Each card in the series presents a single idea and a simple exercise to try every day. Readers can use the decks in a variety of ways.
One of the bestselling self-help books of all time has been revised and expanded. As an advocate of what is now popularly known as the Law of Attraction, Murphy shows that anyone can unleash powers to build self-confidence and promote happiness.
When psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman first discovered Maslow's unfinished theory of transcendence, sprinkled throughout a cache of unpublished journals, lectures, and essays, he felt a deep resonance with his own work and life.
n Spirit Junkie, Bernstein guides readers through the life-changing lessons that shaped her spiritual journey: how we become accustomed to fearful ways of thinking, how to recognize and change those thought patterns to make way for bliss, and how to maintain our happiness and share it with the world.
Kissing the Limitless is a manual for self-liberation through magic. By practicing the Great Work of the ancient alchemists and magicians, readers are guided into self-possession--constanct communication with their divine selves-- and connection with the Limitless Devine.
In a time when people feel overwhelmed by global problems Sandra Ingerman shares with us spiritual practices we can all engage in that have the power to create positive change.