Jay Williams' approach to the study of the life of Christ simply overflows with intuitional creativity, permitting students to find for themselves trans-historical, yet new and existential situations in the Biblical story. Buddha means "the Enlightened One," and the author uses this word in the generic sense.
Satori is a stage along the way, a gateless gate that must be entered on the path to enlightenment. With profound inspiration and consummate compassion, the founder of the Buddhist Society in London invites serious students of spiritual evolution to use Western techniques to achieve satori, the experience of unity and divinity in all aspects of being.
The more we meditate on the Medicine Wheel and on the Cosmic Wheel above, relating these to the circles, spheres, and mandalas of other traditions, the deeper our realization grows of the oneness of the many paths leading to the Center. Although Evelyn Eaton walked principally the Native Indian path, this book reflects her belief in the strength and beauty of all religious traditions.
"This stimulating book expresses the eonic drama of our eternal growth--from instinct to intuition. Skolimowski is a constant delight and surprise as an image-breaking philosopher/scientist/mystic. He establishes his position as an intrepid spokesperson for ecologically sound progress. He writes irreverent things in a reverent manner.
A professor of religion explores Theosophical ideas in modern times. Major concepts discussed include reincarnation, karma, evolution, the Oneness of all life, the cyclic nature of creation, and the mystery of consciousness.
Combining seership with science, Leadbeater presents this absorbing, in-depth, study of the mystery schools of Egypt, Greece, Judea, the Knights Templar of the Middle Ages, and the emergence of Co-Masonry in the twentieth century.
Historical researcher, Michael Gomes charts the dramatic origins of the theosophical movement, one of the most influential philosophical systems to arise during the last hundred years. In this skilfully woven story of the early years of theosophy, the author re-creates the key events involving Blavatsky, Olcott and a small group of like-minded occultists.
This anthology, with essays by Riane Eisler, June Singer, and others, considers Goddess myths, current psychological perspectives, and the feminine principle in spirituality today. It offers a worldview that integrates intuition, intellect, and feeling.
Dr. Stephan Hoeller examines the philosophic basis for freedom as expressed in the writings of the Gnostics and Carl Jung. He relates this philosophy to that of America's founders and to such recent events as the collapse of Communist regimes throughout the world.
A facsimile reprint of the 1889 edition exactly the way Blavatsky wrote it, laying out the path of spiritual development. Includes an index and introduction by Boris de Zirkoff.
Jean Houston takes her audience on an exhilarating adventure through the stages of human and personal evolution. Borrowing from her workshops, she leads us through a series of processes, which can be done either individually or in a group, and guides us in recovering lost abilities and expanding human capacities.
Neurospeak can change the body, the consciousness, and the very essence of the being. Leading pioneer of consciousness research Robert Masters provides a revolutionary technique -- or body game -- that addresses the nervous system through the written word to elicit changes in muscles, body organs, and conceivably the mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of life.
New technology, industry and commerce have spawned the global interdependency of all people, making us our brothers' keepers by necessity, asserts author Anna Lemkow in this exciting demonstration of the reality of Wholeness as a universal principle. She offers integrative approaches to religion, philosophy, science and world affairs that can help shape a bright future.
When he was a boy, Krishnamurti, writing as Alcyone, set down the simple precepts for right living published as At the Feet of the Master. This lucid guide to the spiritual life has inspired millions around the world.
The Real World of Fairies is a privileged glimpse into a joyous, animated universe. Dora's enchanting vision of her encounters with the fairy realm delights the child in us, while it excites our grown-up imagination, rekindles our creative energy, and deepens our sense of connection with nature. This new edition features a foreword by Celtic folk expert Caitlin Matthews.
Krishnamurti records his teachings, as he received them from his spiritual teacher during sleep. They address their young student's problems of daily living and set forth a simple guide to right behavior-the prerequisite for spiritual progress. Now, almost a century later, this classical jewel of esoteric wisdom still shines a strong, pure light on how to begin the spiritual path.