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Philosophy and Religion


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Edgar Cayce the Sleeping Prophet

This fascinating biography, written by on the country's foremost authorities on metaphysics, reached the No. 1 spot on the New York Times bestseller list.

Jung And The Lost Gospels : Insights into the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Library

The "Lost Gospels" refer to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Library, both discovered in the 1940s. The Nag Hammadi Library consists of writings found by two peasants who unearthed clay jars in 1945 in upper Egypt. These did not appear in English for 32 years, because the right to publish was contended by scholars, politicians, and antique dealers.

The Gnostic Gospels

As discussed in The Da Vinci Code... Long buried and suppressed, the Gnostic Gospels contain the secret writings attributed to the followers of Jesus. In 1945 fifty-two papyrus texts, including gospels and other secret documents, were found concealed in an earthenware jar buried in the Egyptian desert.

Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes A

From Spiritual Emergency to Healing and Rebirth Increasing numbers of people involved in personal transformation are experiencing spiritual emergencies — crises when the process of growth and change becomes chaotic and overwhelming.

Book on the taboo against knowing who you are

In The Book, Alan Watts provides us with a much-needed answer to the problem of personal identity, distilling and adapting the Hindu philosophy of Vedanta.

Book on the taboo against knowing who you are

In The Book, Alan Watts provides us with a much-needed answer to the problem of personal identity, distilling and adapting the Hindu philosophy of Vedanta.

Tao Te Ching

For nearly two generations, Gia-fu Feng and Jane English's bestselling translation of the Tao Te Ching has been the standard for those seeking access to the wisdom of Taoist …

The Triple Goddess: An Exploration of the Archetypal Feminine

The Goddess is an eternal archetype in the human psyche. She is always with us, even though neglected, repressed, or outwardly denied. The Goddess has shown herself from the earliest times of civilization, and appears in many guises in contemporary culture.

Goddess Re-Awakening : The Feminine Principle Today

This anthology, with essays by Riane Eisler, June Singer, and others, considers Goddess myths, current psychological perspectives, and the feminine principle in spirituality today. It offers a worldview that integrates intuition, intellect, and feeling.

Witches' God: Lord Of The Dance

Exploring the Masculine Principle of Divinity This companion volume to The Witches' Goddess re-establishes the ancient balance between God and Goddess.

The Three Pillars of Zen

In this classic work of spiritual guidance, the founder of the Rochester Zen Center presents a comprehensive overview of Zen Buddhism. Exploring the three pillars of Zen—teaching, practice, and enlightenment—Roshi Philip Kapleau, the man who founded one of the oldest and most influential Zen centers in the United States, presents a personal account of his own experiences as a student and ...

Wheel of the Year: Living the Magical Life

Discover the ancient lore, household techniques, and spiritual wisdom that will help turn every day into a time of magic, respect for all, and love of the Goddess, when you get Wheel of the Year by ...

Letters To A Dying Friend : Helping Those You Love Make a Conscious Transition

When Anton's Grosz's friend Peter died---suddenly, much too young, while jogging with his dog Max---Grosz was struck by how little prepared Peter had been to make a conscious exit. These letters are what Grosz would have told him, if he had been given the chance, about the process of dying and what comes next.

Search For God: Book 1 (H)

In 1931, Edgar Cayce agreed to help a group of people grow spiritually and become more psychic, with one condition: They would have to live the precepts. It took the group eleven years to apply and compile the twenty-four lessons that became A Search for God, Books I and II. This material has helped individuals and groups around the world to discover a closer attunement to God.