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Philosophy and Religion


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Mysteries Of The Occult

€14.30 excl tax

Art Of Celtic Seership

In the ancient realm of the Celts, the seer was a person who opened a window to reveal a complete view of the cosmos, in which the otherworld and the everyday world interconnect. This was the essence of true perception and wisdom, known as gléfiosa, or 'bright knowledge'.
€9.10 excl tax

Myung Sung : The Korean Art of Living Meditation

You can experience calm mindfulness in every moment of every day. Most forms of meditation ask us to be still and quiet, to take time away from our busy lives and forget about our ever-growing to-do lists. Myung Sung, the peaceful art of Korean mindfulness, does the opposite.
€7.90 excl tax

Zen Art & Poetry Wall Calendar 2020

Zen is a way of life, providing a means of engaging on the great questions and of seeking enlightenment. Zen is also very much in the real world and you can see it expressed around you in paintings, poetry, and nature. This inspiring calendar features 12 examples of Zen poetry resting upon beautiful expressions of Zen art.
€6.00 excl tax

A Blessing in Disguise

€9.80 excl tax

The Witches' Wisdom Tarot

The Witches' Wisdom Tarot brings users into the heart of what it means to be a Witch, a wise one who lives with reverence for the land, for life, and for the magic that flows through us. Radiant with numinous energy and magical imagery, this deck is a doorway for everyone who wishes to encounter the Sacred - in realms of Spirit, embodied by Nature and residing within our hearts.
€23.90 excl tax

The Game of Life and How to Play It

€12.40 excl tax

Return to Source

€9.80 excl tax

365 Days of Divine Feminine Wisdom

€8.50 excl tax


€9.20 excl tax

The Life of Yogananda

€11.20 excl tax

Jesus, King Of Edessa

Ralph Ellis brings us his new book, which he asserts is the book that the Catholic Church has been dreading for the last 1,700 years. Ellis' latest research reveals who Jesus was, where he lived and who his family were. Visit his city, see the ruins of his citadel, gaze upon his statue, handle his coins.
€19.30 excl tax

Creative Mind: Tapping The Power Within (Reissue)

Ernest Holmes was born in 1887 on a farm near Lincoln Maine. His works on the power f the mind have influenced millions in the same manner as the words of Norman Vincent Peale and Dale Carnegie. A brilliant speaker a gifted thinker ands an inspires writer Ernest Holmes founded the Unity Church of Religious Science an international ministry that still flourishes today.
€8.60 excl tax

Access the power of your higher self - your source of inner guidance and sp

ACCESS THE POWER OF YOUR HIGHER Self presents simple techniques that can help you develop a close, working relationship with Spirit—and experience the joy, peace and empowerment that are your spiritual birthright. When you are in tune with your Higher Self, you become more loving and sensitive to your own and others' needs. You fulfill your life's purpose and express your greatest creativity.
€10.00 excl tax

Masters and their retreats

The great lights who have come out of all the world's spiritual traditions and graduated from earth's schoolroom have become widely known as masters. They demonstrate that in the world of Spirit, there is no division of race, religion or philosophy—there is simply oneness, ineffable sweetness and love.
€17.90 excl tax

Little Book Of Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry is founded on the belief that everything is connected through the shapes and symmetries that we see repeated in nature all around us, from snowflakes and shells to crystals and honeycombs. These beautiful patterns are part of the mystic architecture of the universe – some even see them as the signature of a deity woven throughout creation.
€5.70 excl tax

Yoga tradition, new edition - its history, literature, philosophy & practic

From the foremost living authority on Yoga comes the most comprehensive and reliable treatment of the subject available today. This is a work of impeccable scholarship by a person who has dedicated his life to the understanding and practice of yoga. The book offers a complete overview of every Yogic tradition, from the familiar to the lesser-known forms.
€23.80 excl tax

My Appeal to the World

His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama is the foremost spokesperson for the people of the Tibetan Plateau--although his home is in India, in the Himalayan foothills, where he has been forced to live in exile since 1959.
€14.40 excl tax

Discovery of the Presence of God

Discovery of the Presence of God finalizes and further clarifies the true nature and core of the condition termed 'Enlightenment'. It is primarily an instruction manual for the serious spiritual devotee, and reveals information only known by those who have transcended the ego to reach Divine Realization.
€9.20 excl tax