One of the bestselling self-help books of all time has been revised and expanded. As an advocate of what is now popularly known as the Law of Attraction, Murphy shows that anyone can unleash powers to build self-confidence and promote happiness.
This collection of rituals, practices, and exercises has been drawn from many sources; some have been preserved in their original state, and some rituals have been updated by scholars from various pagan groups. This deluxe one-volume edition has been specially designed to be read by candlelight.
Based on the transcriptions of Dr. John Dee, the famous Elizabethan scientist and magus, The Enochian Evocation of Dr. John Dee is the translation of the original material received from direct Angelic contact. In 1852 Dee and his partner Edward Kelly, while gazing into a crystal stone, began to see and hear angels.
This extraordinary book brings together many sources of important information on the changes occurring within our world, ourselves, and the evolution of consciousness leading up to the year 2012. The text is addressed in part to Lightworkers, for whom the energy shift now gearing up has been ongoing for at least the last twenty years. The time is getting closer.
On December 21, 2012, there will be an opportunity for the meek to prevail. So speaks one of the Mexican sages in Jock Whitehouse’s 2012 anti-apocalypse book The Ledge of Quetzal.
Witches are creatures of magic. They cast spells, heal, and foretell the future. What you might not know is that Witches can also commune with the spirits of the dead.