Keep a record of your tarot journeys and spiritual explorations or just use as an everyday journal or notebook. Featuring high quality, blank paper, and a ribbon bookmark. The journal measures 150 x 210mm and has 160 pages
This first of its kind, East-meets-West deck and guidebook are a tool for self-reflection, healing, and transformation, merging traditional tarot archetypes with ancient Sufi practices. This deck combines mystical Sufi wisdom with classic tarot archetypes recast as Sufi concepts and figures, offering a new lens on the traditional tarot system.
Designed in the style of The Fountain Tarot deck, this weekly journal will provide tarot fans with an outlet to record and reflect upon their readings.
Chart your journey toward your truest self.
By transforming your Tarot reading into a weekly practice with quick draws or expansive readings, key patterns in your life may reveal themselves—empowering you with a greater sense of clarity ...
Rachel True, an actress best known for her role in The Craft, is a lifelong occultist—she had been reading tarot cards long before being cast in the 90s witchy cult classic. Now, True shares her tarot knowledge through her unique guidebook and deck boxed set.
The Celtic Book of the Dead is a 42-card oracle based on the ancient Irish story of the Voyage of Maelduin, given here in a new translation by Caitlín Matthews.
The words of Sai Baba, "God equals man minus ego," are echoed by Dr. Joshua David Stone in his seminal work, Soul Psychology. A veteran transpersonal psychologist and family counselor, Dr. Stone teaches us how our entire understanding of ourselves and others is completely changed when we integrate our soul into the way we live our lives.
As you enter the heart of witchcraft, you find at its core the power of sacred space. In Christopher Penczak's first book, The Inner Temple of Witchcraft, you found the sacred space within yourself. Now The Outer Temple of Witchcraft helps you manifest the sacred in the outer world through ritual and spellwork.